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dc.creatorPalacios-Bereche, M. C.-
dc.creatorPalacios-Bereche, R.-
dc.creatorEnsinas, A. V.-
dc.creatorGallego, A. Garrido-
dc.creatorModesto, Marcelo-
dc.creatorNebra, S. A.-
dc.identifier.citationPALACIOS-BERECHE, M. C. et al. Brazilian sugar cane industry – A survey on future improvements in the process energy management. Energy, [S.I.], v. 259, 124903, Nov. 2022. DOI:
dc.description.abstractThe Brazilian Energy Matrix is characterised by the presence of Renewables, whose participation reached 46.1% in 2019, equivalent to 133.8 Mtoe, of which 18.0% represented the sugarcane biomass share, 12.4% the hydraulic, 8.7% the wood and charcoal, and 7.0% corresponded to other renewables. The sugarcane industry produces sugar, ethanol, and electricity as main products and, considering the total primary energy produced, 52.861 Mtoe comes from sugarcane products (BEN, 2020). Another aspect of this industry is that it is energy self-sufficient, that being so, the energy used in the production process is also produced (from bagasse) in the same process. The aforementioned data show the significance of the sugarcane industry for the country and being this an energy industry, there is no doubt that the energy management holds importance to its industrial process. The present work will address different alternatives to improve the industrial process of sugarcane, aiming at optimising the energy management. Among the proposals to be presented, the following can be mentioned: increasing of electric energy in cogeneration, thermal integration of process streams using the Pinch Point method, second-generation ethanol production, water use in the process, integration with biodiesel production, vinasse disposition aiming at increasing energy production and reducing pollution. The main objective is to identify each proposal's influence on and contribution to the improvement of the performance and efficiency in the production process from sugarcane.pt_BR
dc.subjectEthanol productionpt_BR
dc.subjectVinasse dispositionpt_BR
dc.subjectThermal integrationpt_BR
dc.subjectWater usept_BR
dc.subjectSetor sucroenergéticopt_BR
dc.subjectEtanol - Produçãopt_BR
dc.subjectIntegração energéticapt_BR
dc.subjectÁgua - Usopt_BR
dc.titleBrazilian sugar cane industry – A survey on future improvements in the process energy managementpt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:DEG - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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