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Título: Nietzsche contra a domesticação das instituições de ensino
Título(s) alternativo(s): Nietzsche against the domestication of educational institutions
Palavras-chave: Estado
Educação (Ersiehung)
Education (Ersiehung)
Data do documento: Set-2022
Editor: Grupo de Estudos Nietzsche
Citação: RIBEIRO, M. A. S.; CARVALHO, A. F. de. Nietzsche contra a domesticação das instituições de ensino. Cadernos Nietzsche, Guarulhos/Porto Seguro, v. 43, n. 3, p. 45-71, set./dez. 2022. DOI: .
Resumo: Nietzsche's philosophy unfolds, at all times, in denouncing that the schools and universities in Germany serve, mostly, to domesticate as a modern force in favor of the values administered by the State. Considering this horizon, this article investigates the analytical background of the Nietzschean critique of education (Ersiehung) of his time to show the necessary tension that human formation (Bildung) emerges in the framework of his philosophy as the cultivation of new values. For that, it will be necessary to show that another level of discipline, at the same time cause and effect of a unique and proper formative experience, must be triggered as a creative power of and for other existential values.
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