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Fev-2021Combining zinc desorption with EXAFS speciation analysis to understand Zn mobility in mining and smelting affected soils in Minas Gerais, BrazilLopes, Guilherme; Li, Wei; Siebecker, Matthew G; Sparks, Donald Lewis; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães
2021Rare Earth Elements (REEs) rich phosphate fertilizers used in Brazil are more efective in increasing legume crops yield than their REEs poor counterpartsRibeiro, Paula Godinho; Dinali, Guilherme Soares; Boldrin, Paulo Fernandes; Carvalho, Teotonio Soares de; Oliveira, Cynthia de; Ramos, Silvio Junio; Siqueira, José Oswaldo; Moreira, Cristiano Gonçalves; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães
15-Dez-2021Environmental and human-health risks of As in soils with abnormal arsenic levels located in irrigated agricultural areas of Paracatu (MG), BrazilFeitosa, Marina Monteiro; Alvarenga, Ingrid Fernanda Santana; Jara, Madeliny Saracho; Lima, Geraldo Jânio Eugênio de Oliveira; Vilela, Fernando José; Resende, Thiago; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães
Ago-2021Hydrothermally-altered feldspar as an environmentally-friendly technology to promote heavy metals immobilization: batch studies and application in smelting-affected soilsRibeiro, Paula Godinho; Souza, Jean Michel Pereira; Rodrigues, Marcos; Ribeiro, Ivan Célio Andrade; Carvalho, Teotonio Soares de; Lopes, Guilherme; Li, Yuncong C.; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães
2021Selenium application influenced selenium biofortification and physiological traits in water-deficit common bean plantsRavello, Ruby Antonieta Vega; Oliveira, Cynthia de; Lessa, Josimar; Vilas Boas, Lissa Vasconcellos; Castro, Evaristo Mauro de; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães; Lopes, Guilherme
15-Nov-2021Rare earth elements (REEs): geochemical patterns and contamination aspects in Brazilian benchmark soilsBispo, Fábio Henrique Alves; Menezes, Michele Duarte de; Fontana, Ademir; Sarkis, Jorge Eduardo de Souza; Gonçalves, Cristiano Moreira; Carvalho, Teotônio Soares de; Curi, Nilton; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães
2021Sorption of Cadmium, Lead, Arsenate, and Phosphate on Red Mud combined with PhosphogypsumCosta, Enio Tarso de Souza; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães; Lopes, Guilherme; Lima, José Maria de; Curi, Nilton
Ago-2021Elemental analysis of biochar-based fertilizers via portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometryFaria, Alvaro José Gomes de; Rufini, Márcia; Leite, Aline do Amaral; Ribeiro, Bruno Teixeira; Silva, Sérgio Henrique Godinho; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães; Melo, Leônidas Carrijo Azevedo
20-Ago-2021Fast and effective arsenic removal from aqueous solutions by a novel low-cost eggshell byproductRibeiro, Ivan Célio Andrade; Vasques, Isabela Cristina Filardi; Teodoro, Jéssica Cristina; Guerra, Marcelo Braga Bueno; Carneiro, Jefferson Santanada Silva; Melo, Leônidas Carrijo Azevedo; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães
2021Chapter One - pXRF in tropical soils: Methodology, applications, achievements and challengesSilva, Sérgio Henrique Godinho; Ribeiro, Bruno Teixeira; Guerra, Marcelo Braga Bueno; Carvalho, Hudson Wallace Pereira de; Lopes, Guilherme; Carvalho, Geila Santos; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães; Resende, Mauro; Mancini, Marcelo; Curi, Nilton; Rafael, Rogerio Borguete Alves; Cardelli, Valeria; Cocco, Stefania; Corti, Giuseppe; Chakraborty, Somsubhra; Li, Bin; Weindorf, David C.