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Resultado 1171-1180 de 2038.
Conjunto de itens:
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Jan-2021Modeling of productivity and nutrient extraction by the Vetiver and Tifton 85 grasses grown in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlandsTeixeira, Denis L.; Matos, Antonio T.; Matos, Mateus P.; Miranda, Suymara T.; Teixeira, Delilah V.
Mar-2021Maximum length of subsurface drip irrigation laterals subjected to backpressureThebaldi, Michael S.; Rodrigues, karina V.; Tambo, Fidel Luís R.
2021Relationships between abiotic and biotic variables in a maturation pond and their influence on removalBatista, Ana M. M.; Valle, Daniella do; Dias, Daniel F. C.; Sinischachi, Luciene A. B.; Lopes, Bruna Coelho; Sperling, Marcos von; Figueredo, Cleber C.; Mota Filho, César Rossas
6-Abr-2021Modeling of coronavirus spread in morocco using statistical approach: SIR modelLayati, Elhoucein; Ouigmane, Abdellah; Ouhsine, Omar; Moujane, Abdelaziz; Alves, Marcelo de Carvalho; Murugesan, Bagyaraj; Mutalik, Anirudh V.; El Ghachi, Mohamed
30-Jul-2021Evaluation of infiltration models with different numbers of adjustment parameters in an oxisol with application of wastewater at the different concentrationsAndrade, Júlia Fonseca Colombo; Oliveira, Luiz Fernando Coutinho de; Silva, Jaíza Ribeiro Mota e
2021Wetland construído como alternativa para o tratamento terciário em municípios sem sistema de coleta de esgoto: uma revisão bibliográficaTeixeira, Luciana Pinto; Andrade, Ednilton Tavares de; Silva, Flávio Castro; Carmo, Dirlane de Fátima do
Mar-2022Vegetation indices applied to suborbital multispectral images of healthy coffee and coffee infested with coffee leaf minerSantos, Luana Mendes dos; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Marin, Diego Bedin; Carvalho, Milene Alves de Figueiredo; Dias, Jessica Ellen Lima; Alecrim, Ademilson de Oliveira; Silva, Mirian de Lourdes Oliveira e
Jun-2022Quantifying the climate change-driven impacts on the hydrology of a data-scarce watershed located in the Brazilian Tropical SavannaAmorim, Jhones da Silva; Viola, Marcelo Ribeiro; Junqueira, Rubens; Mello, Carlos Rogério de; Bento, Nicole Lopes; Avanzi, Junior Cesar
Mar-2022Projections of severe droughts in future climate in Southeast Brazil: a case study in Southern Minas Gerais State, BrazilSilva, Vinicius Oliveira; Mello, Carlos Rogério de; Chou, Sin Chan
Mai-2022Evapotranspiration under drought conditions: the case study of a seasonally dry Atlantic ForestGuauque-Mellado, Daniel; Rodrigues, André; Terra, Marcela; Mantovani, Vanessa; Yanagi, Silvia; Diotto, Adriano; Mello, Carlos de