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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 121 para 140 de 346
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
15-Fev-2011The specific heat and the magnetization of the Fe4 and the Fe8 SMMsThomaz, M. T.; Rojas, Onofre; Silva, E. V. Corrêa
17-Jun-2010Spin-wave analysis of the spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnet with uniaxial single-ion anisotropy in a fieldHamer, C. J.; Rojas, O.; Oitmaa, J.
15-Abr-2009Generalized transformation for decorated spin modelsRojas, Onofre; Valverde, J. S.; Souza, S. M. de
1-Abr-2009Two-dimensional XXZ-Ising model on a square-hexagon latticeValverde, J. S.; Rojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de
10-Dez-2008Thermodynamics of the Mn12-ac molecule in a skew magnetic field at T~> 21KRojas, Onofre; Thomaz, M. T.; Silva, E. V. Corrêa; Souza, S. M. de
4-Dez-2014Pairwise thermal entanglement in the Ising-XYZ diamond chain structure in an external magnetic fieldTorrico, J.; Rojas, M.; Souza, S. M. de; Rojas, Onofre; Ananikian, S.
31-Mar-2014Rise of pairwise thermal entanglement for an alternating Ising and Heisenberg spin chain in an arbitrarily oriented magnetic fieldRojas, M.; Souza, S. M. de; Rojas, Onofre
16-Nov-2012Frustrated Ising model on the Cairo pentagonal latticeRojas, M.; Rojas, Onofre; Souza, S. M. de
22-Out-2012Thermal entanglement in an exactly solvable Ising-XXZ diamond chain structureRojas, Onofre; Rojas, M.; Ananikian, N. S.; Souza, S. M. de
2009One-dimensional σ-models with N = 5, 6, 7, 8 off-shell supersymmetriesGonzales, M.; Rojas, M.; Toppan, F.
Mar-2020Magnetic behavior of a ferroferrimagnetic ternary alloy ABρC1−ρ with a selective site disorder: Case study of a mixed-spin Ising model on a honeycomb latticeTorrico, Jordana; Strečka, Jozef; Santos, Onofre Rojas; Souza, Sergio Martins de; Lyra, Marcelo Leite
2020Spontaneous decay of a dressed harmonic oscillator inside a spherical cavityFlores-Hidalgo, Gabriel; Silva, M. M.; Santos, Onofre Rojas
Out-2019Peculiarities in pseudo-transitions of a mixed spin-(1/2, 1) Ising–Heisenberg double-tetrahedral chain in an external magnetic fieldSantos, Onofre Rojas; Strečka, Jozef; Derzhko, Oleg; Souza, S. M. de
24-Abr-2013An individual-based model for the interaction of the mite Tetranychus urticae (Koch, 1836) with its predator Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor, 1954) (Acari: Tetranychidae, Phytoseiidae)Oliveira, A. C. S. de; Martins, S. G. F.; Zacarias, M. S.
24-Mar-2009Computer simulation applied to the biological control of the insect Aphis gossypii for the parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipesSouza, A. A. de; Martins, S. G. F.; Zacarias, M. S.
Out-2020Estimation and mapping of field capacity in Brazilian soilsTurek, Maria Eliza; Van Lier, Quirijn de Jong; Armindo, Robson André
Jan-2020One-loop photon’s effective action in the noncommutative scalar QED3Ghasemkhani, M.; Bufalo, R.; Rahmanpour, V.; Alipour, M.
Out-2020Utilizing Splintex 2.0 for estimating the soil hydraulic conductivity curve measured with instantaneous profile methodSilva, Alessandra Calegari da; Armindo, Robson André; Prevedello, Celso Luiz
Fev-2020Splintex 2.0: A physically-based model to estimate water retention and hydraulic conductivity parameters from soil physical dataSilva, Alessandra Calegari da; Armindo, Robson André; Prevedello, Celso Luiz
Mai-2020Soil water and fuel permeability of a Cambisol in southern Brazil and its spatial behavior: A case studyMaduro, Letícia Gonçalves; Armindo, Robson André; Turek, Maria Eliza; Wendroth, Ole
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 121 para 140 de 346