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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 201 para 220 de 346
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
2015Enhanced mechanical stability of gold nanotips through carbon nanocone encapsulationCano-Marquez, Abraham G.; Schmidt, Wesller G.; Ribeiro-Soares, Jenaina; Cançado, Luiz Gustavo; Rodrigues, Wagner N.; Santos, Adelina P.; Furtado, Clascidia A.; Autreto, Pedro A. S.; Paupitz, Ricardo; Galvão, Douglas S.; Jorio, Ado
2015Group theory for structural analysis and lattice vibrations in phosphorene systemsRibeiro-Soares, J.; Almeida, R. M.; Cançado, L. G.; Dresselhaus, M. S.; Jorio, A.
2014Group theory analysis of phonons in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenidesRibeiro-Soares, J.; Almeida, R. M.; Barros, E. B.; Araujo, P. T.; Dresselhaus, M. S.; Cançado, L. G.; Jorio, A.
Fev-2013The use of Raman spectroscopy to characterize the carbon materials found in Amazonian anthrosoilsRibeiro‐Soares, J.; Cançado, L. G.; Falcão, N. P. S.; Ferreira, E. H. Martins; Achete, C. A.; Jorio, A.
Jun-2014News and views: perspectives on graphene and other 2D materials research and technology investmentsRibeiro-Soares, J.; Dresselhaus, M. S.
2013Resonance effects on the Raman spectra of graphene superlatticesCarozo, V.; Almeida, C. M.; Fragneaud, B.; Bedê, P. M.; Moutinho, M. V. O.; Ribeiro-Soares, J.; Andrade, N. F.; Souza Filho, A. G.; Matos, M. J. S.; Wang, B.; Terrones, M.; Capaz, Rodrigo B.; Jorio, A.; Achete, C. A.; Cançado, L. G.
2012Electron microscopy and spectroscopy analysis of carbon nanostructures in highly fertile amazonian anthrosoilsArchanjo, B. S.; Baptista, D. L.; Martinz-Ferreira, E. H.; Soares, J. R.; Cançado, L. G.; Falcão, N. P. S.; Santos, H. F. dos; Jorio, A.; Achete, C. A.
Jun-2012Microscopy and spectroscopy analysis of carbon nanostructures in highly fertile Amazonian anthrosoilsJorio, A.; Ribeiro-Soares, J.; Cançado, L. G.; Falcão, N. P. S.; Santos, H.F. dos; Baptista, D. L.; Ferreira, E. H. Martins; Archanjo, B. S.; Achete, C. A.
2015Thirty-year quest for structure–nucleation relationships in oxide glassesZanotto, E. D.; Tsuchida, J. E.; Schneider, J. F.; Eckert, H.
2014Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of water accessibility in cellulose of pretreated sugarcane bagasseTsuchida, Jefferson Esquina; Rezende, Camila Alves; Oliveira-Silva, Rodrigo de; Lima, Marisa Aparecida; d’Eurydice, Marcel Nogueira; Polikarpov, Igor; Bonagamba, Tito José
2013Cation size effects in mixed-ion metaphosphate glasses: structural characterization by multinuclear solid state NMRspectroscopySchneider, J.; Tsuchida, J.; Eckert, H.
2012Cation distribution and local order in mixed sodium metaphosphate glassesTsuchida, J.; Schneider, J.; Deshpande, R. R.; Eckert, H.
2011Structure of ternary aluminum metaphosphate glassesTsuchida, J.; Schneider, J.; Rinke, Matthias T.; Eckert, H.
2010Sodium distribution in mixed alkali K–Na metaphosphate glassesTsuchida, Jefferson; Schneider, José; Oliveira, André Orlandi de; Rinke, Matthias T.; Eckert, Hellmut
2014Perturbative calculations in space–time having extra dimensions: the 6D single axial box anomalyFonseca, M. V. S.; Dallabona, G.; Battistel, O. A.
2014Consistency and universality in odd and even dimensional space–time QFT perturbative calculationsBattistel, O. A.; Dallabona, G.
2013Ambiguities and symmetry relations in five-dimensional perturbative calculations: the explicit evaluation of the QED5 vacuum polarization tensorFonseca, M. V. S.; Girardi, T. J.; Dallabona, G.; Battistel, O. A.
2012A systematization for one-loop 4D Feynman Integrals-different species of massive fieldsBattistel, O. A.; Dallabona, G.
2015Evaluation of sensory panels of consumers of specialty coffee beverages using boosting method in discriminant analysisLiska, Gilberto Rodrigues; Menezes, Fortunato Silva de; Cirillo, Marcelo Angelo; Borém, Flávio Meira; Cortez, Ricardo Miguel; Ribeiro, Diego Egídio
Jan-2014Information criteria: how do they behave in different models?Emiliano, Paulo C.; Vivanco, Mário J. F.; Menezes, Fortunato S. de
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 201 para 220 de 346