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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 241 para 260 de 346
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Nov-2017Thermal entanglement in a spin-1/2 Ising-XYZ distorted diamond chain with the second-neighbor interaction between nodal Ising spinsRojas, Onofre; Rojas, M.; Souza, S. M. de; Torrico, J.; Strečka, J.; Lyra, M. L.
Mai-2017Entanglement of a two-atom system driven by the quantum vacuum in arbitrary cavity sizeFlores-Hidalgo, G.; Rojas, M.; Rojas, Onofre
Fev-2017Entangled state teleportation through a couple of quantum channels composed of dimers in an Ising- diamond chainRojas, M.; Souza, S. M. de; Rojas, Onofre
Out-2016Zero temperature non-plateau magnetization and magnetocaloric effect in an Ising-XYZ diamond chain structureTorrico, J.; Rojas, M.; Souza, S. M. de; Rojas, Onofre
Jan-2016Spin frustration and fermionic entanglement in an exactly solved hybrid diamond chain with localized Ising spins and mobile electronsTorrico, J.; Rojas, M.; Pereira, M. S. S.; Strečka, J.; Lyra, M. L.
1-Nov-2018Quantum entanglement in the neighborhood of pseudo-transition for a spin-1/2 Ising-XYZ diamond chainCarvalho, I. M.; Torrico, J.; Souza, S. M. de; Rojas, M.; Rojas, O.
2018Efeito das leis regulamentáveis da pesca do pintado nos parâmetros da captura, comprimento de maturação e biomassaAnjos, Tamara Aparecida Nogueira dos; Sáfadi, Thelma; Martins, Solange Gomes Faria
Mai-2018Renormalization of generalized scalar duffin-kemmer-petiau electrodynamicsBufalo, R.; Cardoso, T. R.; Nogueira, A. A.; Pimentel, B. M.
Mar-2018Perturbative effective action for the photon in noncommutative QED2 and exactness of the Schwinger massGhasemkhani, M.; Varshovi, A. A.; Bufalo, Rodrigo
Jun-2018Noncommutative Jackiw-Pi model: one-loop renormalizationBufalo, R.; Ghasemkhani, M.; Alipour, M.
Fev-2018Canonical structure and extra mode of generalized unimodular gravityBufalo, Rodrigo; Oksanen, Markku
Jan-2018Quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions in one-dimensional models with nearest neighbor interactionsSouza, S. M. de; Rojas, Onofre
Mai-2018Non-conserved magnetization operator and ‘fire-and-ice’ ground states in the Ising-Heisenberg diamond chainTorrico, Jordana; Ohanyan, Vadim; Rojas, Onofre
2018Heterobimetallic Dy-Cu coordination compound as a classical-quantum ferrimagnetic chain of regularly alternating Ising and Heisenberg spinsTorrico, J.; Strecka, J.; Hagiwara, M.; Rojas, O.; Souza, S. M. de; Han, Y.; Honda, Z.; Lyra, M. L.
-Development and analysis of the soil water infiltration global databaseRahmati, Mehdi; Weihermüller, Lutz; Vanderborght, Jan; Pachepsky, Yakov A.; Armindo, Robson Andre
Jul-2018Evaluating pedotransfer functions of the splintex modelReis, A. M. H.; Armindo, R. A.; Duraes, M. F.; Lier, Q. J. V.
2018Estimation of second season maize yield loss by the spatial variability of the soil physical-water propertiesSobenko, Luiz Ricardo; Armindo, Robson André; Wolff, Wagner; Costa, Jéfferson de Oliveira; Miranda, Jarbas Honório de; Duarte, Sérgio Nascimento
Mar-2019Criteria for the estimation of field capacity and their implications for the bucket type modelTurek, M. E.; Armindo, R. A.; Wendroth, O.; Santos, I.
Jun-2018Investigation on interface-related defects by photoluminescence of cubic (Al)GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells structuresHerval, Leonilson K. S.; Godoy, Marcio P. F. de; Wecker, Tobias; As, Donat J.
2018Higher-order one-loop contributions in lorentz-breaking QEDScarpelli, A. P. Baeta; Brito, L. C. T.; Felipe, J. C. C.; Nascimento, J. R.; Petrov, A. Yu.
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 241 para 260 de 346