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Results 1161-1170 of 1222 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Metabolomics analysis of Combretum lanceolatum roots in the presence of its endophytic fungiSerrano, Lenard; Lacerda, Jhuly W. F.; Moura, Mariana S.; Ali, Akbar; Vasconcelos, Leonardo G. de; Sousa Junior, Paulo T.; Bellete, Barbara S.; Soares, Marcos A.; Vieira, Lucas C. C.; Sampaio, Olívia M.
30-Oct-2011High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of Hoodia gordonii commercial powderPereira, Chrystian Araújo; Pereira, Luciana Lopes Silva; Corrêa, Angelita Duarte
2019Identification of bioactive compounds and analysis of inhibitory potential of the digestive enzymes from Syzygium sp. extractsFreitas, Tuanny Cavatão de; Oliveira, Ronaldo Junio de; Mendonça, Ricardo José de; Candido, Pamela Aparecida; Pereira, Luciana Lopes Silva; Devienne, Karina Ferrazzoli; Silva, Ana Carolina da; Pereira, Chrystian Araújo
18-Nov-2010Hoodia gordonii in the treatment of obesity: a reviewPereira, Chrystian Araújo; Pereira, Luciana Lopes Silva; Corrêa, Angelita Duarte
-New insights into cadmium tolerance and accumulation in tomato: dissecting root and shoot responses using cross-genotype graftingMarques, Deyvid Novaes; Nogueira, Marina Lima; Gaziola, Salete Aparecida; Batagin-Piotto, Katherine Derlene; Freitas, Natália Chagas; Alcantara, Berenice Kussumoto; Paiva, Luciano Vilela; Mason, Chase; Piotto, Fernando Angelo; Azevedo, Ricardo Antunes
Jan-2023Heterocyclic agrochemical hosted by cyclodextrin and hybrid cyclodextrin-silica materials: characterization, release behavior, and mobility in soilCarvalho, Lucas Bragança; Venceslau, Adneia de Fátima Abreu; Breisch, Daniela Luz Ambrosio; Fraceto, Leonardo Fernandes; Jaime, Carlos; Pinto, Luciana Matos Alves
2023Making headway toward enduring changes: perspectives on breeding tree crops through genome editingPinto, Renan Terassi; Abeyratne, Chanaka Roshan; Paiva, Luciano Vilela; Benedito, Vagner Augusto
2022Identification of SNPs and changes in protein coding of genes associated with beef quality in Nellore cattleCouto, C. E.; Livramento, K. G. do; Paiva, L. V.; Peconick, A. P.; Garbossa, C. A. P.; Cardoso, T. B.; Vasconcellos, R. C. C.; Faria, P. B.
Mar-2012Método de obtenção e análise da composição centesimal do polvilho da fruta-de-lobo (Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil)Rocha, Denise Alvarenga; Abreu, Celeste Maria Patto de; Sousa, Raimundo Vicente de; Corrêa, Angelita Duarte
2012Avaliação preliminar in vivo do efeito hipocolesterolêmico do polvilho da fruta-de-lobo (Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil.)Rocha, D. A.; Abreu, C. M. P.; Sousa, R. V.; Corrêa, A. D.; Fonseca, E. W. N.