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Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 221 para 240 de 318
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Ago-2017The effects of neem oil (Azadirachta indica A. JUSS) enriched with different concentrations of azadirachtin on the integument of semi‐engorged Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (Acari: Ixodidae) femalesSouza, José Ribamar Lima de; Remedio, Rafael Neodini; Arnosti, André; Abreu, Rusleyd Maria Magalhães de; Camargo‐Mathias, Maria Izabel
Abr-2016Morphological alterations in salivary glands of Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) exposed to neem seed oil with known azadirachtin concentrationRemedio, R. N.; Nunes, P. H.; Anholeto, L. A.; Oliveira, P. R.; Sá, I. C. G.; Camargo-Mathias, M. I.
Fev-2016Dinotefuran-induced morphophysiological changes in the ovaries and midgut of semi-engorged females Rhipicephalus sanguineus Latreille, 1806 (Acari: Ixodidae) ticksOliveira, Patrícia Rosa de; Remédio, Rafael Neodini; Bechara, Gervásio Henrique; Anholeto, Luis Adriano; Mathias, Maria Izabel Camargo
Dez-2018What is a value management office? an implementation experience in latin AmericaMakdisse, Marcia; Katz, Marcelo; Ramos, Pedro; Pereira, Adriano; Shiramizo, Sandra; Cendoroglo Neto, Miguel; Klajner, Sidney
2018Efficiency in the operational process: reduction of incorrect entries and guarantee of compliance in the rendering of accountsPavão, Daniela Nobrega; Buttignol, Monique; Pereira, Adriano José; Tanjoni, Renato; Almeida, Ederson Haroldo Pereira de; Leisnock, Patricia; Sato, Gabriela; Silva, Eliézer
2018Neutrophil-generated HOCL leads to non-specific thiol oxidation in phagocytized bacteriaDegrossoli, Adriana; Müller, Alexandra; Xie, Kaibo; Schneider, Jannis F.; Bader, Verian; Winklhofer, Konstanze F.; Meyer, Andreas J.; Leichert, Lars I.
Dez-2018Influence of mating and feeding on reproduction pattern of haematophagous bug Triatoma williami Galvao, Souza & Lima, 1965 (Hemiptera, Triatominae)Câmara, Thaís Peres; Gomes, Letícia Pinho; Lunardi, Rosaline Rocha; Souto, Paula Cristina de Souza; Degrossoli, Adriana; Arrais-Silva, Wagner Welber
Mar-2017A vaccine therapy for canine Visceral Leishmaniasis promoted significant improvement of clinical and immune status with reduction in parasite burdenRoatt, Bruno Mendes; Aguiar-Soares, Rodrigo Dian de Oliveira; Reis, Levi Eduardo Soares; Cardoso, Jamille Mirelle de Oliveira; Mathias, Fernando Augusto Siqueira; Brito, Rory Cristiane Fortes de; Silva, Sydnei Magno da; Gontijo, Nelder De Figueiredo; Ferreira, Sidney de Almeida; Valenzuela, Jesus G.; Corrêa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Giunchetti, Rodolfo Cordeiro; Reis, Alexandre Barbosa
Nov-2017The medial preoptic area modulates autonomic function under resting and stress conditionsFassini, Aline; Scopinho, América A.; Alves, Fernando H. F.; Fortaleza, Eduardo A. T.; Corrêa, Fernando M. A.
1-Fev-2018Lack of agreement between objective and subjective measures in the evaluation of masticatory function: a preliminary studyPedroni-Pereira, Aline; Marquezin, Maria Carolina Salomé; Araujo, Darlle Santos; Pereira, Luciano José; Bommarito, Silvana; Castelo, Paula Midori
2018N-3 Ingestion may modulate the severity of periodontal disease? Systematic reviewAzzi, Diana Vilela; Viafara, Jesús Alfonso Sánchez; Zangeronimo, Márcio Gilberto; Lima, Renato Ribeiro; Marques, Leandro Silva; Pereira, Luciano J.
Jan-2017Factors associated with masticatory performance among preschool childrenSoares, Maria Eliza Consolação; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia; Alencar, Bruna Mota de; Marques, Leandro Silva; Pereira, Luciano José; Ramos-Jorge, Joana
Abr-2018In ovo feeding of carbohydrates for broilers—a systematic reviewRetes, P. L.; Clemente, A. H. S.; Neves, D. G.; Espósito, M.; Makiyama, L.; Alvarenga, R. R.; Pereira, L. J.; Zangeronimo, M. G.
Set-2017Influence of masticatory function, dental caries and socioeconomic status on the body mass index of preschool childrenSoares, Maria Eliza; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia; Alencar, Bruna Mota de; Oliveira, Simone Gomes; Pereira, Luciano José; Ramos-Jorge, Joana
Jul-2017Probiotic consumption decreases the number of osteoclasts during orthodontic movement in micePazzini, Camila Alessandra; Pereira, Luciano José; Silva, Tarcília Aparecida da; Montalvany-Antonucci, Carina Cristina; Macari, Soraia; Marques, Leandro Silva; Paiva, Saul Martins de
2017Oral microbe-host interactions: influence of β-glucans on gene expression of inflammatory cytokines and metabolome profileSilva, Viviam de Oliveira; Pereira, Luciano José; Murata, Ramiro Mendonça
Fev-2018Arginine for gestating sows and foetal development: a systematic reviewPalencia, J. Y. P.; Lemes, M. A. G.; Garbossa, C. A. P.; Abreu, M. L. T.; Pereira, L. J.; Zangeronimo, M. G.
2017Promising effects of beta-glucans on metabolism and on the immune responses: review articleSilva, Viviam de Oliveira; Moura, Natália Oliveira de; Oliveira, Larissa Jahnel Rodrigues de; Peconick, Ana Paula; Pereira, Luciano José
Abr-2017Premature deciduous tooth loss and orthodontic treatment need: a 6-year prospective studyMartins-Júnior, Paulo Antônio; Ramos-Jorge, Maria Letícia; Paiva, Saul Martins de; Pereira, Luciano José; Marques, Leandro Silva
Jun-2017Effects of in ovo feeding with glycerol for broilersNeves, D. G.; Retes, P. L.; Rocha, R. R.; Ferreira, L. G.; Naves, L. P.; Alvarenga, R. R.; Fassani, E. J.; Pereira, L. J.; Sousa, R. V.; Zangeronimo, M. G.
Coleção's Items (Ordenado por Data de depósito na Descendente ordem): 221 para 240 de 318