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Resultado 23641-23650 de 36064.
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Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
2018Relationships between reflectance and absorbance chlorophyll indices with RGB (Red, Green, Blue) image components in seedlings of tropical tree species at nursery stageAmaral, Elizabeth Santos do; Silva, Daniela Vieira; Anjos, Letícia dos; Schilling, Ana Cristina; Dalmolin, Ândrea Carla; Mielke, Marcelo Schramm
2011Prediction of maize double-cross hybrids using the best linear unbiased prediction with microsatellite marker informationBalestre, M.; Von Pinho, R. G.; Souza, J. C.
8-Mai-2019Temperature, photoperiod and colored shade nets on the in vitro development of Physalis peruviana L.Figueiredo, J. R. M.; Paiva, P. D. O.; Paiva, R.; Faria, C. V. N.; Therezan, R. F.; Reis, M. V.; Silva, D. P. C.
2013Investigation of sources of resistance to antracnose disease in a Phaseolus vulgaris germplasm collection in BrazilBarcelos, Q. L.; Souza, E. A.; Pádua, P. F.; Ishikawa, F. H.; Costa, L. C.; Pereira, R.; Abreu, A. F. B.; Ramalho, M. A. P.
Set-2022Dominant microbial communities and biochemical profile of pulped natural fermented coffees growing in different altitudesMartinez, Silvia Juliana; Bressani, Ana Paula Pereira; Simão, João Batista Pavesi; Pylro, Victor Satler; Dias, Disney Ribeiro; Schwan, Rosane Freitas
17-Ago-2017Genomic constitution and relationship in Urochloa (Poaceae) species and hybridsPaula, Cristina Maria Pinto de; Souza Sobrinho, Fausto; Techio, Vânia Helena
Mar-2010Inheritance of resistance to angular leaf spot in bean podsBorel, Jerônimo C.; Ramalho, Magno A. P.; Abreu, Ângela F. B.; Maia, Lucas G. S.
2013New alternative for assessing cooking time of common bean progeniesPádua, J. M. V.; Ramalho, M. A. P.; Abreu, A. F. B.
Nov-2020Campomanesia adamantium and Campomanesia pubesncens are distinct species? Use of palynology and molecular markers in taxonomyAmaral, Érica Virgínia Estêfane de Jesus; Sales, Juliana de Fátima; Reis, Edésio Fialho dos; Coelho, Christiano Peres; Castro, Evaristo Mauro de; Pinto, Jefferson Fernando Naves
Nov-2018The exoproteome profiles of three Staphylococcus saprophyticus strains reveal diversity in protein secretion contentsOliveira, Andrea Santana de; Rosa, Isabella Inês Rodrigues; Novaes, Evandro; Oliveira, Lucas Silva de; Baeza, Lilian Cristiane; Borges, Clayton Luiz; Marlinghaus, Lennart; Soares, Célia Maria de Almeida; Giambiagi-deMarval, Marcia; Parente-Rocha, Juliana Alves