Navegando por Assunto Bandwidth reduction

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Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Set-2020An ant colony hyperheuristic approach for matrix bandwidth reductionOliveira, S.L. Gonzaga de; Silva, L.M.
2017An evaluation of four reordering algorithms to reduce the computational cost of the Jacobi-preconditioned conjugate gradient method using high-precision arithmeticOliveira, Sanderson L. Gonzaga de; Abreu, Alexandre A. A. M. de; Robaina, Diogo; Kischinhevsky, Mauricio
Mai-2018An evaluation of low-cost heuristics for matrix bandwidth and profile reductionsOliveira, Sanderson L. Gonzaga de; Bernardes, Júnior A. B.; Chagas, Guilherme O.
Jul-2018An evaluation of reordering algorithms to reduce the computational cost of the incomplete cholesky-conjugate gradient methodOliveira, Sanderson L. Gonzaga de; Bernardes, J. A. B.; Chagas, G. O.
Dez-2019An Experimental Analysis of Three Pseudo-peripheral Vertex Finders in conjunction with the Reverse Cuthill-McKee Method for Bandwidth ReductionOliveira, S. L. G. de; Abreu, A. A. A. M.
27-Ago-2015Uma avaliação de heurísticas para redução de largura de banda de matrizesChagas, Guilherme Oliveira
5-Jul-2018Uma avaliação de implementações via OpenMP e Pthreads de duas heurísticas para reduções de largura de banda de matrizesRibeiro, Jean Antonio
2020Evolving reordering algorithms using an ant colony hyperheuristic approach for accelerating the convergence of the ICCG methodOliveira, S. L. Gonzaga de; Silva, L. M.
2021Low-cost heuristics for matrix bandwidth reduction combined with a Hill-Climbing strategyOliveira, Sanderson L. Gonzaga de; Silva, Libério M.
2022Metaheuristic algorithms for the bandwidth reduction of large-scale matricesOliveira, S. L. Gonzaga de; Carvalho, C.