Browsing by Subject Warm-season legume

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2022Emissions of N2O and NH3 from cattle excreta in grass pastures fertilized with N or mixed with a forage legumeGuimarães, Bianca C.; Gomes, Fernanda de Kássia; Homem, Bruno G. C.; Lima, Italo Braz G. de; Spasiani, Paola P.; Boddey, Robert M.; Alves, Bruno J. R.; Casagrande, Daniel Rume
2023Light competition is the key factor determining spatio-temporal variability in legume proportion within Marandu palisadegrass-forage peanut mixed pasturesSpasiani, Paola Palauro; Homem, Bruno Grossi Costa; Lima, Italo Braz Gonçalves de; Guimarães, Bianca Costa; Medeiros, Elias Silva de; Muir, James Pierre; Oliveira, Marcelo Silva de; Boddey, Robert Michael; Casagrande, Daniel Rume
2021N-fertiliser application or legume integration enhances N cycling in tropical pasturesHomem, Bruno G. C.; Lima, Italo Braz G. de; Spasiani, Paola P.; Guimarães, Bianca C.; Guimarães, Gustavo D.; Bernardes, Thiago F.; Rezende, Claudia de P.; Boddey, Robert M.; Casagrande, Daniel R.
Sep-2021Palisadegrass pastures with or without nitrogen or mixed with forage peanut grazed to a similar target canopy height. 1. Effects on herbage mass, canopy structure and forage nutritive valueHomem, Bruno G. C.; Lima, Italo B. G. de; Spasiani, Paola P.; Ferreira, Igor M.; Boddey, Robert M.; Bernardes, Thiago F.; Dubeux Junior, José C. B.; Casagrande, Daniel R.
9-Dec-2020Pasture nitrogen input through fertiliser or legume integration: effects on canopy structure, forage nutritive value, animal production and nitrogen cyclingHomem, Bruno Grossi Costa
2022Twenty-five-centimeter pre-grazing canopy height in palisade grass and forage peanutFerreira, Igor Machado; Homem, Bruno Grossi Costa; Lima, Italo Braz Gonçalves de; Dubeux Junior, José Carlos Batista; Bernardes, Thiago Fernandes; Danés, Marina de Arruda Camargo; Casagrande, Daniel Rume