Browsing by Author Cotta, Alexandre Alberto Chaves

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
May-2022Carbon nanotubes derived from waste cooking oil for the removal of emerging contaminantsDuarte, Michelle Pains; Silva, Rayane Cristian Ferreira; Medeiros, Tayline P. Viana de; Ardisson, José Domingos; Cotta, Alexandre Alberto Chaves; Naccache, Rafik; Teixeira, Ana Paula de Carvalho
Nov-2021Fluorine adsorption on floating iron nanoparticles confined to gigaporous structure of large adsorbent water spheresOliveira, Felipe Wallysson Ferreira de; Reis, Sérgio Carneiro dos; Ribeiro, Luciana Sampaio; Velásquez, Leila Nunes Menegasse; Cotta, Alexandre Alberto Chaves; Santos, Vera Lúcia dos; Gastelois, Pedro Lana; Ardisson, José Domingos; Santos, Armindo
Oct-2018Functionalized-radiolabeled hydroxyapatite/tenorite nanoparticles as theranostic agents for osteosarcomaCipreste, Marcelo Fernandes; Rezende, Michele Rocha de; Hneda, Marlon Luiz; Peres, Anderson Maia; Cotta, Alexandre Alberto Chaves; Teixeira, Verônica de Carvalho; Macedo, Waldemar Augusto de Almeida; Sousa, Edésia Martins Barros de
Feb-2017On the nature of the room temperature ferromagnetism in nanoparticulate co-doped zno thin films prepared by EB-PVDMamani, Niko Churata; Silva, Rafael Tomaz da; Zevallos, Angela Ortiz de; Cotta, Alexandre Alberto Chaves; Macedo, Waldemar Augusto de Almeida; Siu Li, Máximo; Bernardi, Maria Inês Basso; Doriguetto, Antonio Carlos; Carvalho, Hugo Bonette de
May-2020Use of iron mining tailings from dams for carbon nanotubes synthesis in fluidized bed for 17α-ethinylestradiol removalSilva, Rayane Cristian Ferreira; Ardisson, José Domingos; Cotta, Alexandre Alberto Chaves; Araujo, Maria Helena; Teixeira, Ana Paula de Carvalho