Browsing by Author Zinn, Yuri L.

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2023Arsenic pools in soils under native vegetation on a steatite outcrop in BrazilSilva, Laís L.; Feitosa, Marina M.; Vilela, Emerson F.; Lopes, Guilherme; Guilherme, Luiz R. G.; Zinn, Yuri L.
1-Nov-2022C:N ratios of bulk soils and particle-size fractions: Global trends and major driversAmorim, Helen C. S.; Hurtarte, Luis C. C.; Souza, Ivan F.; Zinn, Yuri L.
2020Changes in soil organic carbon under perennial cropsLedo, Alicia; Smith, Pete; Zerihun, Ayalsew; Whitaker, Jeanette; Vicente, José Luis Vicente; Qin, Zhangcai; McNamara, Niall P.; Zinn, Yuri L.; Llorente, Mireia; Liebig, Mark; Kuhnert, Matthias; Dondini, Marta; Don, Axel; Diaz‐Pines, Eugenio; Datta, Ashim; Bakka, Haakon; Aguilera, Eduardo; Hillier, Jon
2011Eucalypt plantation effects on organic carbon and aggregation of three different-textured soils in BrazilZinn, Yuri L.; Lal, Rattan; Resck, Dimas V. S.
2016Pedogenic and lithogenic gravels as indicators of soil polygenesis in the Brazilian CerradoZinn, Yuri L.; Bigham, Jerry M.
Aug-2017Similar soils, different soil-forming factors: converging evolution of inceptisols in BrazilSkorupa, A. L. A.; Silva, Sérgio H. G.; Poggere, Giovana C.; Tassinari, Diego; Pinto, Leandro C.; Zinn, Yuri L.; Curi, Nilton
2017A simple model to estimate Brunauer-Emmett-Teller-N specific surface area of contrasting soils in BrazilZinn, Yuri L.; Vilela, Emerson F.; Araujo, Marla A.; Lal, Rattan
2022Soil organic carbon and nutrients affected by tree species and poultry litter in a 17-year agroforestry siteAmorim, Helen C. S.; Ashworth, Amanda J.; Zinn, Yuri L.; Sauer, Thomas J.
Apr-2018Soil organic carbon as a key predictor of N in forest soils of BrazilCalazans, Silas O. L.; Morais, Vinicius A.; Scolforo, José R.S.; Zinn, Yuri L.; Mello, José M.; Mancini, Luana T.; Silva, Carlos A.
Apr-2015Soil organic fractions in cultivated and uncultivated ferralsols in UgandaMusinguzi, Patrick; Tenywa, John Stephen; Ebanyat, Peter; Basamba, Twaha Ali; Tenywa, Moses Makooma; Mubiru, Drake N.; Zinn, Yuri L.
2017Soil parent material, texture and oxide contents have little effect on soil organic carbon retention in tropical highlandsAraujo, Marla A.; Zinn, Yuri L.; Lal, Rattan
-Soil quality assessment of an agroforestry system following long-term management in the Ozark HighlandsYlagan, Shane; Amorim, Helen C. S.; Ashworth, Amanda J.; Sauer, Tom; Wienhold, Brian J.; Owens, Phillip R.; Zinn, Yuri L.; Brye, Kristofor R.
Nov-2018The carbon sequestration potential of terrestrial ecosystemsLal, Rattan; Smith, Pete; Jungkunst, Hermann F.; Mitsch, William J.; Lehmann, Johannes; Nair, P. K. Ramachandran; McBratney, Alex B.; Sá, João Carlos de Moraes; Schneider, Julia; Zinn, Yuri L.; Skorupa, Alba L. A.; Zhang, Hai-Lin; Minasny, Budiman; Srinivasrao, Cherukumalli; Ravindranath, Nijavalli H.
2017Visual analysis and X-ray computed tomography for assessing the spatial variability of soil structure in a cultivated OxisolCarducci, Carla E.; Zinn, Yuri L.; Rossoni, Diogo F.; Heck, Richard J.; Oliveira, Geraldo C.