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dc.creatorAcerbi Júnior, Fausto Weimar-
dc.creatorClevers, Jan G. P. W.-
dc.creatorSchaepman, M. E.-
dc.identifier.citationACERBI JÚNIOR, F. W.; CLEVERS, J. G. P. W.; SCHAEPMAN, M. E. The assessment of multi-sensor image fusion using wavelet transforms for mapping the Brazilian Savanna. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 4, p. 278–288, Dec. 2006.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractMulti-sensor image fusion using the wavelet approach provides a conceptual framework for the improvement of the spatial resolution with minimal distortion of the spectral content of the source image. This paper assesses whether images with a large ratio of spatial resolution can be fused, and evaluates the potential of using such fused images for mapping the Brazilian Savanna. Three types of wavelet transforms were used to perform the fusion between MODIS and Landsat TM images. Five quality measures were defined to assess the quality of the fused images. The results showed that it was possible to perform the fusion of MODIS and TM images and the pyramidal in Fourier space wavelet transform provided the best quality measures for the fused images. Classification results showed that fused images could be used for mapping the Brazilian Savanna with an accuracy level comparable to the Landsat TM image.pt_BR
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformationpt_BR
dc.subjectMulti-sensor image fusionpt_BR
dc.subjectWavelet transformpt_BR
dc.subjectQuality assessmentspt_BR
dc.subjectBrazilian savannapt_BR
dc.titleThe assessment of multi-sensor image fusion using wavelet transforms for mapping the Brazilian Savannapt_BR
Appears in Collections:DCF - Artigos publicados em periódicos
LEMAF - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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