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dc.creatorSilva, Kamilla V. R. A.-
dc.creatorFreitas, Cesar F. de-
dc.creatorFilgueiras, Cleverson-
dc.identifier.citationSILVA, K. V. R. A.; FREITAS, C. F. de.; FILGUEIRAS, C. Geometry-induced quantum dots on surfaces with Gaussian bumps. The European Physical Journal B, Les Ulis, v. 86, n. 4, p. 1-5, Apr. 2013.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn this work we investigate the two dimensional electron gas on surfaces showing Gaussian bumps. Due to confinement on two dimensional curved space, a geometry-induced potential appears. For surfaces showing single bumps, the geometrical potential gives rise to a geometry-induced quantum ring, as showed in a previous work. For surfaces with multiples bumps, the charge carries may be trapped around the center of these surfaces, which could gives rise to a geometry-induced quantum dot. Our results can be realized on bilayer graphene sheets and we hope that it would lead to new technics of building quantum dots.pt_BR
dc.sourceThe European Physical Journal Bpt_BR
dc.subjectMesoscopic and nanoscale systemspt_BR
dc.subjectGaussian bumpspt_BR
dc.subjectQuantum dotspt_BR
dc.subjectSistemas mesoscópicos e em nanoescalapt_BR
dc.subjectPontos quânticospt_BR
dc.titleGeometry-induced quantum dots on surfaces with Gaussian bumpspt_BR
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