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Title: Formação e gestão de alianças estratégicas na cadeia produtiva do fumo
Other Titles: Strategic alliance management and formation on tobacco productive-chain
Authors: Santos, Antônio Carlos dos
Sette, Ricardo de Souza
Rezende, Daniel Carvalho de
Keywords: Cadeias produtivas
Alianças estratégicas
Strategic alliance
Organizational strategies
Productive chain
Issue Date: 12-Aug-2014
Citation: ROSALEM, V. Formação e gestão de alianças estratégicas na cadeia produtiva do fumo. 2007. 222 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2007.
Abstract: The competitive strategy used by the organizations with to goal to conquer new markets and maintain their status has been object of many studies. Among the adopted strategies by the organizations and the academy, there are the alliances, which have become very important due to the globalization. This study works with the formation and management of strategic alliances though a set of case studies of the final phases of the productive chain. The fist chapter deals with all the concepts so that the structure and dynamics of the tobacco chain can be described. On the “interface” formed by retail and distributors it was verifiable an increase on the profits of both partners. In exchange of exclusivity the distributor offered a bigger profit margin for the retailer. On the segment which studied to distributors, the strategic alliance made possible the increase of the competitiveness of these towards the competitors. On the last part, where a producer and the distributor formed in a alliance to solve the issue of illegal market action and cigarette piracy. Based on the results found concluded that the formation and management of strategic alliances in the production chain of smoke was beneficial to the players involved.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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