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dc.creatorReck, Sandra Aparecida Camacho-
dc.creatorAndrade, C. A. B.-
dc.creatorClóvis, L. R.-
dc.creatorMoreira, Fatima Maria de Souza-
dc.creatorSoares, Bruno Lima-
dc.identifier.citationRECK, S. A. C. et al. Evaluation of bean cultivar IPR Eldorado submitted to seed inoculation with different strains of rhizobium and nitrogen fertilization. Bean Improvement Cooperative: Annual Reports, East Lansing, p. 243-244, 2014. Sem indicação de volume/fascículo.pt_BR
dc.description1) O site do periódico só disponibiliza o anuário em sua versão integral; para acessar o artigo, verifique o número da página na referência. 2) Como o artigo não possui resumo nem abstract, estes foram substituídos pela introdução do artigo (em inglês) no campo "abstract".-
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION: Nitrogen (N) is essential nutrient for the cultivation of common bean is obtained primarily through fertilizers or by the biological nitrogen fixation process. The use of inoculants favors the biological nitrogen fixation and has been shown to be essential for the sustainability of Brazilian agriculture, with a view to supply nitrogen to crops with low economic cost and reduced environmental impact (Ferreira et al., 2009). The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of common beans subjected to inoculation with different strains of Rhizobium sp. and nitrogen fertilization, analyzing aspects related to nodulation of plants and grain yield in cultivar IPR Eldorado in crop year 2013.pt_BR
dc.publisherMichigan State Universitypt_BR
dc.sourceBean Improvement Cooperative: Annual Reportspt_BR
dc.subjectMicroorganisms - Growth regulatorspt_BR
dc.subjectNitrogen - Fixationpt_BR
dc.subjectBeans - Nitrogen fertilizationpt_BR
dc.subjectMicro-organismos - Reguladores de crescimentopt_BR
dc.subjectNitrogênio - Fixaçãopt_BR
dc.subjectFeijão - Adubação nitrogenadapt_BR
dc.subjectRhizobium sp.pt_BR
dc.titleEvaluation of bean cultivar IPR Eldorado submitted to seed inoculation with different strains of rhizobium and nitrogen fertilizationpt_BR
Appears in Collections:DCS - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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