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dc.creatorSantiago, Wilder Douglas-
dc.creatorCardoso, Maria das Graças-
dc.creatorLunguinho, Allan da Silva-
dc.creatorBarbosa, Richard Bispo-
dc.creatorCravo, Francielli D'Carlos-
dc.creatorGonçalves, Gustavo da Silva-
dc.creatorNelson, David Lee-
dc.identifier.citationSANTIAGO, W. D. et al. Determination of ethyl carbamate in cachaça stored in newly made oak, amburana, jatobá, balsa and peroba vats and in glass containers. Journal of The Institute of Brewing, London, v. 123, n. 4, p. 572-578, 2017.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractEthyl carbamate was quantified in cachaça using high‐performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection during the production process and during storage in different types of wooden casks and glass containers, with and without the presence of light. According to the physicochemical analysis, the head and tail fractions are unacceptable for consumption. Ethyl carbamate was detected in sugarcane juice and during fermentation. During distillation, ethyl carbamate levels ranged from the limit of detection to 17.1 μg L−1. Ethyl carbamate increased during storage in wooden casks. The presence (or absence) of light did not affect the formation of ethyl carbamate in cachaça stored in glass containers. Copyright © 2017 The Institute of Brewing & Distillingpt_BR
dc.publisherThe Institute of Brewing & Distillingpt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of The Institute of Brewingpt_BR
dc.subjectOrganic contaminantpt_BR
dc.subjectCachaça - Storagept_BR
dc.subjectContaminante orgânicopt_BR
dc.subjectCachaça - Armazenamentopt_BR
dc.titleDetermination of ethyl carbamate in cachaça stored in newly made oak, amburana, jatobá, balsa and peroba vats and in glass containerspt_BR
Appears in Collections:DQI - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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