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dc.creatorBarbosa, Brenon D. S.-
dc.creatorColombo, Alberto-
dc.creatorSouza, João G. N. de-
dc.creatorBaptista, Victor B. da S.-
dc.creatorAraújo, Ana C. S. de-
dc.identifier.citationBARBOSA, B. D. S. et al. Energy efficiency of a center pivot irrigation system. Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, v. 38, n. 2, p. 284-292, Mar./Apr. 2018.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to evaluate the energy efficiency of a center pivot irrigation system operating in a terrain of variable topography. Values of Pumping Energy Efficiency (PEE), Supply Energy Efficiency (SEE), Global Energy Efficiency (GEE) and Specific Energy (Es in kWh m-3) computed at 18 different angular positions of the lateral line were used as energy efficiency indicators. An ultrasonic flow meter, digital pressure transducers and a power quality analyzer were used in order to evaluate hydraulic (total system flow-Q and total dynamic head-TDH) and electrical parameters (active electrical power - AEP) of the center pivot pumping unit that were required for evaluating the selected energy efficiency indictors. Topographic elevations of the water source, the pumping unit and of the center lateral line were also determined. For the center pivot lateral line, it was necessary to determine, at the 18 angular positions considered, the altitude of the track of each center pivot support tower. Results indicated that currently, even after more than 10000h of use, the center pivot system operates with satisfactory energy efficiency, as indicated by an average GEE value equal to 42.5%, that is classified as “good”. Statistical analysis indicated that the topographic disposition of the center pivot lateral line, as characterized by a uphill or downhill disposition, resulted on different PEE, SEE and GEE values, while the average Es value (0.42 kWh m-3) was not affected by the lateral line disposition.pt_BR
dc.publisherAssociação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícolapt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceEngenharia Agrícolapt_BR
dc.subjectEnergy performancept_BR
dc.subjectPumping unitpt_BR
dc.subjectPerformance indicatorspt_BR
dc.titleEnergy efficiency of a center pivot irrigation systempt_BR
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