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dc.creatorGhasemkhani, M.-
dc.creatorVarshovi, A. A.-
dc.creatorBufalo, Rodrigo-
dc.identifier.citationGHASEMKHANI, M.; VARSHOVI, A. A.; BUFALO, R. Perturbative effective action for the photon in noncommutative QED2 and exactness of the Schwinger mass. Physical Review D, [S.l.], v. 97, n. 6, Mar. 2018.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we discuss the noncommutative QED2 in the S-matrix framework. We are interested in perturbatively proving that the exact Schwinger mass μ2 ¼ e2 π does not receive noncommutative corrections to any order in loop expansion. In this sense, the S-matrix approach is useful since it allows us to work with the effective action Γ½A (interaction term) to compute the corresponding gauge field 1PI two-point function at higher orders. Furthermore, by means of α-cohomology, we generalize the QED2 S-matrix analysis in the Moyal star product to all translation-invariant star products.pt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.titlePerturbative effective action for the photon in noncommutative QED2 and exactness of the Schwinger masspt_BR
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