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dc.creatorNoronha, André-
dc.creatorBagdonas, Alexandre-
dc.creatorGurgel, Ivã-
dc.identifier.citationNORONHA, A.; BAGDONAS, A.; GURGEL, I. Is the electron real? Who discovered the expanding universe? Debating nonconsensus topics of nature of science in science classrooms. In: PRESTES, M. E. de B.; CELESTINO SILVA, C. (Ed.). Teaching science with context: historical, philosophical, and sociological approaches. [S.l.]: Springer, 2018. p. 99.112.pt_BR
dc.descriptionAbstract After presenting a summary of recent criticisms of the so-called “consensus view” of the nature of science (NOS), the authors analyze two educational activities based on studies of history and philosophy of science applied in physics classes. The objective was to promote critical reflections about science, with a focus on controversial aspects of NOS. Initially, the authors present an educational game designed to teach cosmology in high school, which allowed the teacher to discuss with the students social and cultural influences on the construction of cosmological models of the universe during the first half of the twentieth century. Second, they present the results of a survey of physics undergraduate students’ conceptions of the scientific realism debate during lectures about the evolution of physics concepts. These two examples illustrate the possibility that controversial aspects of NOS might be discussed with an increasing level of complexity, from the first years of basic education until preservice teacher training courses. Finally, the authors defend that proposals regarding controversial topics of NOS may bring a more critical and reflective understanding of NOS in science education.pt_BR
dc.subjectNature of science (NOS)pt_BR
dc.subjectPhysics teacherspt_BR
dc.titleIs the electron real? Who discovered the expanding universe? Debating nonconsensus topics of nature of science in science classroomspt_BR
dc.typeCapítulo de livropt_BR
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