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dc.creatorMalves, Kira-
dc.creatorCoelho, Flávia de Freitas-
dc.identifier.citationMALVES, K.; COELHO, F. de F. Gall influence on flower production in Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae). Pakistan Journal of Botany, [S. l.], v. 47, n. 2, p. 731-734, 2015.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to determine if there is a negative influence on the flower production in Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae), due to the attack of gall inductor herbivores. 120 individuals were analyzed and compared as to the relation between presence and absence of galls and flower production. All flowers were collected from these individuals, so that the following characteristics could be compared: number of flowers, flower size (cm) and biomass (g) in plants with and without galls. Although these flowers are produced during the whole year, we found a greater number of flowers in plants without galls, being that plants without galls showed approximately four times more flowers than plants with galls. The flowers length in plants without galls was greater than flowers in plants with galls. The flower biomass of the individuals without galls was also higher than in individuals with galls. The results are pursuant to the hypothesis that producing galls demands a high energetic effort from these plants, resulting in nutrient allocation and decrease in flowers formation.pt_BR
dc.publisherPakistan Botanical Societypt_BR
dc.sourcePakistan Journal of Botanypt_BR
dc.subjectPlant-insect interactionspt_BR
dc.subjectInsect gallpt_BR
dc.subjectSolanum lycocarpumpt_BR
dc.subjectInterações planta-insetopt_BR
dc.titleGall influence on flower production in Solanum lycocarpum (Solanaceae)pt_BR
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