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dc.creatorMesquita, Daniel Leite-
dc.creatorSugano, Joel Yutaka-
dc.identifier.citationMESQUITA, D. L.; SUGANO, J. Y. The flex-fuel technology building process in Brazil: an analysis from the perspective of business platform. African Journal of Business Management, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 20, p. 8100-8109, Sept. 2011.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe conceptual perspective of "business platform" intent to demonstrate that in the current situation, industries can jointly establish innovations through formal exchanges of expertise between a "leader firm and its complementary." The research had qualitative and exploratory character, using grounded theory techniques and thematic content analysis of five in-depth interviews made to automakers and suppliers of flex-fuel technology. The flex-fuel technology as a "business platform", presented the following results: there were modifications in the architecture of the engine flex-fuel-related components; the technology emerged from a strong relationship of exchange of expertise among the "Modules "(the systemists and the automakers). The interviewees reported the existence of co-design in the development and application part of this technology. The power of the automakers in the "architecture" of the flex-fuel platform is also highlighted by the leadership in the chain of the automotive industry. Finally, it was elaborated a model of “flex-fuel business platform from the concepts drawn from the interviews. It was concluded that the flex-fuel platform is led by automakers that hold the core architecture of the engine. Innovations of high aggregated value, as the case of flex-fuel, require partnerships and standardization with "complementary" (large and small suppliers).pt_BR
dc.publisherAcademic Journalspt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceAfrican Journal of Business Managementpt_BR
dc.subjectFlex-fuel technologypt_BR
dc.subjectBusiness platformspt_BR
dc.subjectAutomotive industrypt_BR
dc.subjectTecnologia de Flex-fluelpt_BR
dc.subjectPlataformas de negóciospt_BR
dc.subjectIndústria automobilísticapt_BR
dc.titleThe flex-fuel technology building process in Brazil: an analysis from the perspective of business platformpt_BR
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