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dc.creatorLedo, Alicia-
dc.creatorHillier, Jonathan-
dc.creatorSmith, Pete-
dc.creatorAguilera, Eduardo-
dc.creatorBlagodatskiy, Sergey-
dc.creatorBrearley, Francis Q.-
dc.creatorDatta, Ashim-
dc.creatorDiaz-Pines, Eugenio-
dc.creatorDon, Axel-
dc.creatorDondini, Marta-
dc.creatorDunn, Jennifer-
dc.creatorFeliciano, Diana Marisa-
dc.creatorLiebig, Mark A.-
dc.creatorLang, Rong-
dc.creatorLlorente, Mireia-
dc.creatorZinn, Yuri Lopes-
dc.creatorMcNamara, Niall-
dc.creatorOgle, Stephen-
dc.creatorQin, Zhangcai-
dc.creatorRovira, Pere-
dc.creatorRowe, Rebecca-
dc.creatorVicente-Vicente, José Luis-
dc.creatorWhitaker, Jeanette-
dc.creatorYue, Qian-
dc.creatorZerihun, Ayalsew-
dc.identifier.citationLEDO, A. et al. A global, empirical, harmonised dataset of soil organic carbon changes under perennial crops. Scientific Data, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 57, p. 1-7, 2019. DOI:
dc.description.abstractA global, unified dataset on Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) changes under perennial crops has not existed till now. We present a global, harmonised database on SOC change resulting from perennial crop cultivation. It contains information about 1605 paired-comparison empirical values (some of which are aggregated data) from 180 different peer-reviewed studies, 709 sites, on 58 different perennial crop types, from 32 countries in temperate, tropical and boreal areas; including species used for food, bioenergy and bio-products. The database also contains information on climate, soil characteristics, management and topography. This is the first such global compilation and will act as a baseline for SOC changes in perennial crops. It will be key to supporting global modelling of land use and carbon cycle feedbacks, and supporting agricultural policy development.pt_BR
dc.publisherSpringer Naturept_BR
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceScientific Datapt_BR
dc.subjectSoil organic carbonpt_BR
dc.subjectPerennial cropspt_BR
dc.subjectCarbono orgânico do solopt_BR
dc.subjectCulturas perenespt_BR
dc.titleA global, empirical, harmonised dataset of soil organic carbon changes under perennial cropspt_BR
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