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dc.creatorAbreu, Tatiane Silva de-
dc.creatorBraga, Mariana Aparecida-
dc.creatorSimão, Anderson Assaid-
dc.creatorTrento, Marcus Vinicius Cardoso-
dc.creatorEleutério, Mateus Willian de Faria-
dc.creatorPereira, Luciana Lopes Silva-
dc.creatorCunha, Elaine Fontes Ferreira da-
dc.creatorMarcussi, Silvana-
dc.identifier.citationABREU, T. S. de et al. Mitochondriotropic action and DNA protection: Interactions between phenolic acids and enzymes. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, [S.l.], v. 34, n. 1, Jan. 2020.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe protective action of caffeic (CA) and syringic (SA) acids on the genotoxicity exercised by snake venoms was investigated in this study. Molecular interactions between phenolic acids and the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase were also explored. In the electrophoresis assay, SA did not inhibit the genotoxicity induced by the venom. However, CA partially inhibited DNA degradation. In the comet assay, SA and CA exerted an inhibitory effect on the venom‐induced fragmentation. Succinate dehydrogenase presented, in computational analyzes, favorable energies to the molecular bond to both the malonic acid and the phenolic compounds evaluated. In the enzymatic activity assays, SA inhibited succinate dehydrogenase and interfered in the interaction of malonic acid. Meanwhile, CA potentiated the inhibition exerted by the malonic acid. The results suggest transient interactions between toxins present in venoms and phenolic acids, mainly by hydrogen interactions, which corroborate with the data from previous works.pt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicologypt_BR
dc.subjectComet assaypt_BR
dc.subjectEnzymatic inhibitorpt_BR
dc.subjectPhenolic compoundspt_BR
dc.subjectSnake venompt_BR
dc.subjectSuccinate dehydrogenasept_BR
dc.titleMitochondriotropic action and DNA protection: Interactions between phenolic acids and enzymespt_BR
Appears in Collections:DQI - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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