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dc.creatorMesquita, Ricardo Gabriel de Almeida-
dc.creatorTonoli, Gustavo Henrique Denzin-
dc.creatorMendes, Rafael Farinassi-
dc.creatorCésar, Antônia Amanda da Silva-
dc.creatorBufalino, Lina-
dc.creatorMendes, Lourival Marin-
dc.identifier.citationMESQUITA, R. G. de A. et al. Inclusion of lignocellulosic fibers in plastic composites. Key Engineering Materials, Kapellweg, v. 600, p. 442-446, 2014.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractSolutions for the production of sustainable plastics have motivated the scientific community to search for new alternatives for the replacement of raw materials from non-renewable sources such as glass fibers. Therefore, plant fibers appear to be a feasible alternative, since they present low cost, suitable mechanical strength, wide availability, as well as are renewable. This work aimed to evaluate the replacement of glass fibers by lignocellulosic fiber in plastic composites used in civil construction sectors. The resin used was ortho unsaturated polyester. Three plant fibers were tested (sugar cane bagasse, eucalypt and pine) with and without chemical modification. The chemical modifications were performed with sodium hydroxide. The composites were evaluated by their physical and mechanical properties. The initial results showed the potential of using plant fiber in the production of fiber-reinforced plastic composites. Keywords: plant fibers, residues, polyester resin.pt_BR
dc.publisherTrans Tech Publications Ltd.pt_BR
dc.sourceKey Engineering Materialspt_BR
dc.subjectPlant Fiberspt_BR
dc.subjectPolyester Resinpt_BR
dc.subjectFibras lignocelulósicaspt_BR
dc.subjectCompósitos plásticospt_BR
dc.subjectFibras vegetais - Resíduospt_BR
dc.subjectResina de poliésterpt_BR
dc.titleInclusion of lignocellulosic fibers in plastic compositespt_BR
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