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dc.creatorBorel, Lidja Dahiane Menezes Santos-
dc.creatorLira, Taísa Shimosakai de-
dc.creatorAtaíde, Carlos Henrique-
dc.creatorBarrozo, Marcos Antonio de Souza-
dc.identifier.citationBOREL, L. D. M. S. et al. Thermochemical conversion of coconut waste: material characterization and identification of pyrolysis products. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Dordrecht, 2020. DOI:
dc.description.abstractIn this work, coconut waste was evaluated for its potential for biofuel production via pyrolysis by considering physicochemical properties, kinetics of thermal degradation, and chemical composition of products generated. The kinetic of pyrolysis was investigated based on data obtained in a thermogravimetric analyzer at various heating rates. The independent parallel reactions model was used to describe the decomposition process. The activation energy (Ea) values estimated for extractives, hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin were 194.7–197.7, 122.8–128.6, 244.1–250.5, and 53.0–64.0 kJ mol−1, respectively. The composition of the pyrolytic vapors was investigated via Py-GC/MS at different temperatures in an inert helium atmosphere. The results show that products of pyrolysis of the coconut waste can be a source of valuable chemicals, such as phenol, 1-hydroxy-2-propanone, furfural, and acetic acid. The increase of the reaction temperature resulted in the formation of hydrocarbons and in an increase in the number of aldehydes and ketones.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversita degli Studi di Pavia Bibliotecapt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetrypt_BR
dc.subjectCoconut wastept_BR
dc.subjectThermogravimetric analysispt_BR
dc.subjectKinetics parameterspt_BR
dc.subjectAnalytical pyrolysispt_BR
dc.subjectResíduos de cocopt_BR
dc.subjectAnálise termogravimétricapt_BR
dc.subjectParâmetros cinéticospt_BR
dc.subjectPirólise analíticapt_BR
dc.titleThermochemical conversion of coconut waste: material characterization and identification of pyrolysis productspt_BR
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