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dc.creatorAndrade, L. A.-
dc.creatorOliveira, D. P.-
dc.creatorAndrade, D. B.-
dc.creatorPereira, J.-
dc.creatorAndrade, M. J. B.-
dc.identifier.citationANDRADE, L. A. et al. Chemical composition of bean grains of different cultivars stored under two conditions. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative, [S.I.], v. 54, p. 30-31, Mar. 2011.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a rich source of essential nutrients such as proteins, iron, calcium, vitamins, carbohydrates and fibers (RIOS et al., 2002), its being able to be used as an alternative in the place of meats or other protein products. Bean cultivars with alternative types of grains can stand for novel options of income for farmers, with the possibility of marketing a distinct product in order to use new niches of market, with a higher pay of his product (ALVES et al., 2009). Nevertheless, to make the use of those cultivars feasible, there is the need, among other studies, of characterizing chemically their grains de forma to know better their nutritional value as compared with the predominant type on market, the carioca type. The objective of his work was the chemical characterization of grains of five cultivars of common bean plant and the comparison of four alternative groups with the grains of the most commercialized type, the carioca, employing lots of beans stored for twelve months‘ time under room or refrigerated condition.pt_BR
dc.publisherBean Improvement Cooperativept_BR
dc.sourceAnnual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperativept_BR
dc.subjectFeijão - Composição químicapt_BR
dc.subjectFeijão - Valor nutricionalpt_BR
dc.titleChemical composition of bean grains of different cultivars stored under two conditionspt_BR
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