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dc.creatorDamasceno, Flávio A.-
dc.creatorTaraba, Joseph L.-
dc.creatorDay, George B.-
dc.creatorVega, Felipe A. O.-
dc.creatorRocha, Keller S. O.-
dc.creatorBlack, Randi A.-
dc.creatorBewley, Jeffrey M.-
dc.creatorOliveira, Carlos E. A.-
dc.creatorBarbari, Matteo-
dc.identifier.citationDAMASCENO, F. A. et al. 3D CFD Analysis of Natural Ventilation in Reduced Scale Model of Compost Bedded Pack Barn for Dairy Cows. Applied Sciences, [S. I.], v. 10, n. 22, 2020. DOI: 10.3390/app10228112.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractCompost bedded pack (CBP) barns have been receiving increased attention as an alternative housing system for dairy cattle. To create a satisfactory environment within CBP barns that promotes a good composting process, an adequate air movement and minimal temperature fluctuations throughout the building are required. Therefore, a study based on compost barn structure model employing techniques of dimensional analysis for naturally ventilated buildings was developed. Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations of compost barns with different ridge designs and wind direction, along with the visual demonstration of the impact on airflow through structure were performed. The results showed that the barn ventilation CFD model and simulations were in good agreement with the experimental measurements, predicting the airflow through the CBP barns structure for alternative roof ridge types adequately. The results also indicate that the best roof configuration in the winter was the open ridge with chimney for a west to east wind direction.pt_BR
dc.publisherMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute - MDPIpt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceApplied Sciencespt_BR
dc.subjectComputational fluid dynamicpt_BR
dc.subjectNatural ventilationpt_BR
dc.subjectRoof designpt_BR
dc.subjectCompost bedded pack barnspt_BR
dc.subjectDairy cattlept_BR
dc.subjectVentilação Naturalpt_BR
dc.subjectDinâmica dos fluidos computacionalpt_BR
dc.subjectEstábulo - Coberturapt_BR
dc.subjectCama de confinamentopt_BR
dc.subjectBovinos leiteiros - Confinamentopt_BR
dc.title3D CFD Analysis of Natural Ventilation in Reduced Scale Model of Compost Bedded Pack Barn for Dairy Cowspt_BR
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