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dc.creatorPrado, N. T.-
dc.creatorNogueria, F. G. E.-
dc.creatorNogueira, A. E.-
dc.creatorNunes, C. A.-
dc.creatorDiniz, R.-
dc.creatorOliveira, L. C. A.-
dc.identifier.citationPRADO, N. T. et al. Modified niobia as a new catalyst for selective production of dimethoxymethane from methanol. Energy & Fuels, Washington, v. 24, p. 4793-4796, Aug. 2010.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractSynthetic niobia, after an innovative surface modification, was utilized for synthesis of dimethoxymethane (DMM) from methanol. A bifunctional niobium oxide, obtained by a previous treament with H 2 O 2 , presented a highly selective production of DMM in the liquid phase. The analysis of the product with mass spectrometry showed that dehydration/oxidation takes place to selectively produce DMM. The results strongly suggest that the simultaneous methanol dehydration and oxidation involves bifunctional proper- ties of the niobias with acid sites and oxidizing species generated after the modification with H 2 O 2 , which were identified by Raman spectroscopy with a strong signal at 888 cm -1 assigned to ν(O-O) due to the peroxo species generated in modified niobia.pt_BR
dc.publisherAmerican Chemical Societypt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceEnergy & Fuelspt_BR
dc.titleModified niobia as a new catalyst for selective production of dimethoxymethane from methanolpt_BR
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