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dc.creatorVieira, Thiago Bernardi-
dc.creatorBrasil, Leandro Schlemmer-
dc.creatorSilva, Liriann Chrisley N. da-
dc.creatorTejerina-Garro, Francisco Leonardo-
dc.creatorAquino, Pedro de Podestà Uchôa de-
dc.creatorPompeu, Paulo S.-
dc.creatorMarco Junior, Paulo de-
dc.identifier.citationVIEIRA, T. B. et al. Elements of fish metacommunity structure in Neotropical freshwater streams. Ecology and Evolution, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 21, p. 12024-12035, Nov. 2020.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe identification of the mechanisms underlying patterns of species co-occurrence is a way to identify which process(es) (niche, neutral, or both) structure metacommunities. The current paper had the goal of identifying patterns of co-occurrence in Neotropical stream fish and determining which processes structure the fish metacommunity, and identifying any gradients underlying this structure. Results indicated that the metacommunity formed by the species pool was structured by a pattern of nested co-occurrence (hyperdispersed species loss) and a mass-effect mechanism. However, a set of core species, displaying a Clementsian pattern, was structured by a species-sorting mechanism. Both, hyperdispersed species loss and the Clementsian patterns point to a discrete set of communities within the metacommunity. These communities could be isolated by the water physicochemical conditions or morphological characteristics of the stream channel.pt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceEcology and Evolutionpt_BR
dc.subjectFish metacommunitypt_BR
dc.subjectFreshwater fishpt_BR
dc.subjectMetacomunidade de peixespt_BR
dc.subjectPeixe de água docept_BR
dc.titleElements of fish metacommunity structure in Neotropical freshwater streamspt_BR
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