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dc.creatorMendonça, Henrique Vieira de-
dc.creatorAssemany, Paula-
dc.creatorAbreu, Mariana-
dc.creatorCouto, Eduardo-
dc.creatorMaciel, Alyne Martins-
dc.creatorDuarte, Renata Lopes-
dc.creatorSantos, Marcela Granato Barbosa dos-
dc.creatorReis, Alberto-
dc.identifier.citationMENDONÇA, H. V. de et al. Microalgae in a global world: new solutions for old problems? Renewable Energy, Oxford, v. 165, p. 842-862, Mar. 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.11.014.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe human population blast has brought several problems related with the overconsumption of a wide range of feedstocks and natural resources conducting to their risk of depletion. The consumption of fossil fuels is an example, with increasing levels of exploitation and negative impacts caused by their use. Anthropogenic activities have triggered the over accumulation of many hazardous substances and wastes which are regarded to be detrimental to life in the Earth and to the various planet ecosystems. There is an urgent need to restore natural resources and unwanted residues and wastes to levels prior the demographic explosion. Microalgal biotechnology appears to be pivotal to achieve this goal in a near future to come. This review presents the current resource problems affecting the Earth and how microalgae are expected to be an important part of the solution, discussing how the production of renewable energy from microalgae can help in an integrated way to mitigate different environmental problems. Microalgae are able to convert wastewaters, CO2 and organic residues in marketable biomass for different uses, including biofuels, converting waste in value. An inventory of current microalgal-based biorefineries in operation as well as a directory of companies, products and applications are also presented.pt_BR
dc.sourceRenewable Energypt_BR
dc.subjectPollution controlpt_BR
dc.subjectResource recoverypt_BR
dc.subjectControle de poluiçãopt_BR
dc.subjectRecuperação de recursospt_BR
dc.titleMicroalgae in a global world: new solutions for old problems?pt_BR
Appears in Collections:DRH - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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