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dc.creatorBrigagão, Thalita Caroline Silva-
dc.creatorFortes, Rafael Ribeiro-
dc.creatorLourenço, Carina Oliveira-
dc.creatorCarvalho, Elisângela Elena Nunes-
dc.creatorCirillo, Marcelo ngelo-
dc.creatorNachtigall, Aline Manke-
dc.creatorVilas Boas, Brígida Monteiro-
dc.identifier.citationBRIGAGÃO, T. C. S. et al. Optimization of gluten-free muffins made with pineapple peel, banana peel, and pumpkin seed flours. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, [S.l.], v. 45, n. 12, Dec. 2021.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe most common form of incorporating by-products from the fruit and vegetable processing into foods is flour, which can be used in various bakery products. This study aimed to optimize gluten-free (GF) muffin formulations, containing pineapple peel flour (PPF), banana peel flour (BPF), and pumpkin seed flour (PSF) using a mixture design approach, and to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics and the acceptability. The addition of PSF led to an increase in the L* value, hue angle and chroma of muffin's crust and crumb, whereas BPF decreased these parameters. The PPF determined higher total and insoluble fiber contents. The muffins with PPF and BPF had higher moisture content, whereas PSF increased the lipid content, thus reducing the firmness. The addition of BPF and PSF increased the springiness. The formulations with PPF (F1) and PPF + PSF (F5) were the most consumers’ acceptance, with interesting nutritional characteristics, allowing diversification of GF products. Practical applications The pineapple peel flour, banana peel flour, and pumpkin seed flour can be used in the production of muffins, as a way of using by-products, leading to the diversification of products for the celiac individuals and meeting the demand of consumers for gluten-free products, with an improvement in the nutritional value. The muffin formulations made with PPF had higher insoluble fiber and total fiber contents, and was well accepted, showing the consumers’ acceptance for fiber-enriched products.pt_BR
dc.publisherInstitute of Food Science Technologypt_BR
dc.sourceJournal of Food Processing and Preservationpt_BR
dc.subjectPineap-ple peel flour (PPF)pt_BR
dc.subjectBanana peel flour (BPF)pt_BR
dc.subjectPumpkin seed flour (PSF)pt_BR
dc.titleOptimization of gluten-free muffins made with pineapple peel, banana peel, and pumpkin seed flourspt_BR
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