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dc.creatorCosta, Thais Correia-
dc.creatorDu, Min-
dc.creatorNascimento, Karolina Batista-
dc.creatorGalvão, Matheus Castilho-
dc.creatorMeneses, Javier Andrés Moreno-
dc.creatorSchultz, Erica Beatriz-
dc.creatorGionbell, Mateus Pies-
dc.creatorDuarte, Marcio de Souza-
dc.identifier.citationCOSTA, T. C. et al. Skeletal Muscle Development in Postnatal Beef Cattle Resulting from Maternal Protein Restriction during Mid-Gestation. Animals, Basel, v. 11, n. 3, 2021. DOI:
dc.description.abstractWe aimed to investigate the effects of maternal protein restriction during mid-gestation on the skeletal muscle composition of the offspring. In the restriction treatment (RES, n = 9), cows were fed a basal diet, while in the control (CON, n = 9) group cows received the same RES diet plus the protein supplement during mid-gestation (100–200d). Samples of Longissimus dorsi muscle were collected from the offspring at 30d and 450d postnatal. Muscle fiber number was found to be decreased as a result of maternal protein restriction and persisted throughout the offspring’s life (p < 0.01). The collagen content was enhanced (p < 0.05) due to maternal protein restriction at 30d. MHC2X mRNA expression tended to be higher (p = 0.08) in RES 30d offspring, however, no difference (p > 0.05) was found among treatments at 450d. Taken together, our results suggest that maternal protein restriction during mid-gestation has major and persistent effects by reducing muscle fiber formation and may slightly increase collagen accumulation in the skeletal muscle of the offspring. Although maternal protein restriction may alter the muscle fiber metabolism by favoring the establishment of a predominant glycolytic metabolism, the postnatal environment may be a determinant factor that establishes the different proportion of muscle fiber types.pt_BR
dc.publisherMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)pt_BR
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.subjectBeef cattlept_BR
dc.subjectDietary protein restrictionpt_BR
dc.subjectMaternal effectspt_BR
dc.subjectSkeletal muscle developmentpt_BR
dc.subjectBovinos de Cortept_BR
dc.subjectDieta com restrição de proteínaspt_BR
dc.subjectBovinos - Efeito maternopt_BR
dc.subjectBovinos - Gestaçãopt_BR
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento do músculo esqueléticopt_BR
dc.titleSkeletal Muscle Development in Postnatal Beef Cattle Resulting from Maternal Protein Restriction during Mid-Gestationpt_BR
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