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dc.creatorRibeiro, Fabiano L.-
dc.creatorPereira, William R. L. S.-
dc.identifier.citationRIBEIRO, F. L.; PEREIRA, W. R. L. S. A gentle introduction to scaling relations in biological systems. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, São Paulo, v. 44, e20210291, 2022. DOI:
dc.description.abstractIn this paper it is presented a gentle review of empirical and theoretical advances in understanding the role of size in biological organisms. More specifically, it deals with how the energy demand, expressed by the metabolic rate, changes according to the mass of an organism. Empirical evidence suggests a power-law relation between mass and metabolic rate, namely the allometric equation. For vascular organisms, the exponent β of this powerlaw is smaller than one, which implies scaling economy; that is, the greater the organism is, the lesser energy per cell it demands. However, the numerical value of this exponent is a theme of extensive debate and a central issue in comparative physiology. A historical perspective is shown, beginning with the first empirical insights in the sec. 19 about scaling properties in biology, passing through the two more important theories that explain the scaling properties quantitatively. Firstly, the Rubner model considers organism surface area and heat dissipation to derive β = 2/3. Secondly, the West-Brown-Enquist theory explains such scaling properties due to the hierarchical and fractal nutrient distribution network, deriving β = 3/4.pt_BR
dc.publisherSociedade Brasileira de Físicapt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International*
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceRevista Brasileira de Ensino de Físicapt_BR
dc.subjectComplex systemspt_BR
dc.subjectScaling theorypt_BR
dc.subjectSistemas complexospt_BR
dc.subjectLeis de escalapt_BR
dc.titleA gentle introduction to scaling relations in biological systemspt_BR
Appears in Collections:DEX - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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