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dc.creatorRodrigues, Natânia E.-
dc.creatorFreitas, Matheus Puggina de-
dc.identifier.citationRODRIGUES, N. E.; FREITAS, M. P. Quantitative structure-activity relationship modeling of the inhibitory activities of sulfonylurea herbicides and proposition of new derivatives. New Journal of Chemistry, [S.I.], v. 46, n. 23, p. 11398-11403, 2022. DOI:
dc.description.abstractThe quantitative structure–activity relationship study of the herbicidal activity of a series of sulfonylurea derivatives against Brassica napus is reported herein. A few multivariate image analysis (MIA) descriptors have been selected through a genetic algorithm from a pool of pixels renumbered to encode atomic properties, namely the van der Waals radii and electronegativity. These descriptors correlate with the B. napus growth inhibition to a great extent (r2 = 0.90–0.91, q2 = 0.76–0.82) and, therefore, could be used to estimate the pIC50 values of hitherto unknown sulfonylurea analogs (IC50 = half maximal inhibitory concentration). The design of these novel derivatives was guided by MIA contour maps that reveal the substituent effects on the response variable. As a result, four agrochemical candidates were proposed and three of them exhibited calculated pIC50 values higher than that of chlorsulfuron and the data set compounds. This may be an important step to drive the synthesis of new sulfonylurea herbicides with improved properties against resistant weeds.pt_BR
dc.publisherRoyal Society of Chemistrypt_BR
dc.sourceNew Journal of Chemistrypt_BR
dc.subjectQuantitative structure-activity relationshippt_BR
dc.subjectSulfonylurea herbicidespt_BR
dc.subjectMultivariate image analysis (MIA)pt_BR
dc.subjectChemical weed controlpt_BR
dc.subjectRelação quantitativa estrutura-atividadept_BR
dc.subjectAnálise multivariada de imagenspt_BR
dc.subjectErvas daninhas - Controle químicopt_BR
dc.titleQuantitative structure-activity relationship modeling of the inhibitory activities of sulfonylurea herbicides and proposition of new derivativespt_BR
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