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dc.creatorSartori, Barbara Miranda-
dc.creatorMoreira Júnior, Renato Elias-
dc.creatorPaiva, Isadora Marques-
dc.creatorMoraes, Izabela Barbosa-
dc.creatorMurgas, Luis David Solis-
dc.creatorBrunialti-Godard, Ana Lúcia-
dc.identifier.citationSARTORI, B. M. et al. Acute ethanol exposure leads to long-term effects on memory, behavior, and transcriptional regulation in the zebrafish brain. Behavioural Brain Research, [S.l.], v. 444, Apr. 2023.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractAlcohol consumption is associated with alterations in memory and learning processes in humans and animals. In this context, research models such as the zebrafish (Danio rerio) arise as key organisms in behavioral and molecular studies that attempt to clarify alterations in the Central Nervous System (CNS), like those related to alcohol use. Accordingly, we used the zebrafish as a model to evaluate the effects of ethanol on the learning and memory process, as well as its relationship with behavior and transcriptional regulation of lrfn2, lrrk2, grin1a, and bdnf genes in the brain. To this end, for the memory and learning evaluation, we conducted the Novel Object Recognition test (NOR); for behavior, the Novel Tank test; and for gene transcription, qPCR, after 2 h, 24 h, and 8 days of ethanol exposure. As a result, we noticed in the NOR that after 8 days of ethanol exposure, the control group spent more time exploring the novel object than when compared to 2 h post-exposure, indicating that naturally zebrafish remember familiar objects. In animals in the Treatment group, however, no object recognition behavior was observed, suggesting that alcohol affected the learning and memory processes of the animals and stimulated an anxiolytic effect in them. Regarding transcriptional regulation, 24 h after alcohol exposure, we found hyper-regulation of bdnf and, after 8 days, a hypo-regulation of lrfn2 and lrrk2. To conclude, we demonstrated that ethanol exposure may have influenced learning ability and memory formation in zebrafish, as well as behavior and regulation of gene transcription. These data are relevant for further understanding the application of zebrafish in research associated with ethanol consumption and behavior.pt_BR
dc.sourceBehavioural Brain Researchpt_BR
dc.subjectEthanol exposurept_BR
dc.subjectLrrk2 genept_BR
dc.titleAcute ethanol exposure leads to long-term effects on memory, behavior, and transcriptional regulation in the zebrafish brainpt_BR
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