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dc.creatorVianna, Isabella Isis Rodrigues-
dc.creatorDuarte, Paula Oliveira-
dc.creatorAthanasio, Raquel-
dc.creatorMelo, Daira Darlen Malta Neri de-
dc.creatorTeixeira, Luiza Oliveira-
dc.creatorSilva, Laura Castro-
dc.creatorSolis-Murgas, Luis David-
dc.identifier.citationVIANNA, I. I. R. et al. Acupressão e musicoterapia em equino com distúrbios comportamentais: relato de caso. Caderno de Ciências Agrárias, [S.l.], v. 11, p. 01-08, 2019.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this case report was to show the behavioral and physiological responses in horses under integrative treatment with acupressure and music therapy. The case report was conducted at Escola Pegasus Equitação located in Lavras-MG. One animal was selected for exhibiting more intense stereotyped behaviors, such as excessive fears and not accept to be mounted, knocking down riders. This animal showed excessive fear of other animals, noises and tarps. The acupoints used in this study (Yin Tang, VB 21, BE 21, BE 22, BE 23, P 1, VC 17, C 7, PC 6, PC 7, VC 4 e VC The aim of this case report was to show the behavioral and physiological responses in horses under integrative treatment with acupressure and music therapy. The case report was conducted at Escola Pegasus Equitação located in Lavras-MG. One animal was selected for exhibiting more intense stereotyped behaviors, such as excessive fears and not accept to be mounted, knocking down riders. This animal showed excessive fear of other animals, noises and tarps. The acupoints used in this study (Yin Tang, VB 21, BE 21, BE 22, BE 23, P 1, VC 17, C 7, PC 6, PC 7, VC 4 e VC The aim of this case report was to show the behavioral and physiological responses in horses under integrative treatment with acupressure and music therapy. The case report was conducted at Escola Pegasus Equitação located in Lavras-MG. One animal was selected for exhibiting more intense stereotyped behaviors, such as excessive fears and not accept to be mounted, knocking down riders. This animal showed excessive fear of other animals, noises and tarps. The acupoints used in this study (Yin Tang, VB 21, BE 21, BE 22, BE 23, P 1, VC 17, C 7, PC 6, PC 7, VC 4 e VC The aim of this case report was to show the behavioral and physiological responses in horses under integrative treatment with acupressure and music therapy. The case report was conducted at Escola Pegasus Equitação located in Lavras-MG. One animal was selected for exhibiting more intense stereotyped behaviors, such as excessive fears and not accept to be mounted, knocking down riders. This animal showed excessive fear of other animals, noises and tarps. The acupoints used in this study (Yin Tang, VB 21, BE 21, BE 22, BE 23, P 1, VC 17, C 7, PC 6, PC 7, VC 4 e VC 6) were chosen for their performance on stress, fear, behavioral deviations and anxiety. All points were stimulated on both flanks of the animal. In addition to the sessions with acupressure points, music therapy with classical music from the second acupressure session was also included, with the purpose of assisting the relaxation of the animal. At the beginning of the sessions, the animal presented constant irritability, such as lowering of ears and muscle tension, which decreased during treatment. In addition, it was noticeable the increase in behavioral practices that indicate tranquility and decreased anxiety of the patient, such as lowering the neck and closing the eyes during the sessions. It was observed that during most of the period the heart rate and respiratory rate decreased after the sessions. The owner of the animal observed a behavioral improvement in situations that were previously considered unsettling, being the animal calmer every day, no longer running episodes of knocking down riders. It is therefore stated that the treatments performed on the animal were effective in reducing the anxiety state.pt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Geraispt_BR
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.rightsacesso abertopt_BR
dc.sourceCaderno de Ciências Agráriaspt_BR
dc.titleAcupressão e musicoterapia em equino com distúrbios comportamentais: relato de casopt_BR
dc.title.alternativeAcupressure and music therapy in a horse with behavioral disorders: case reportpt_BR
dc.description.resumoO objetivo com este relato de caso é mostrar as respostas comportamentais e fisiológicas em equinos sob tratamento integrativo com acupressão e musicoterapia. O relato de caso foi realizado na escola Pegasus Equitação localizada no município de Lavras-MG. Um animal foi selecionado por apresentar comportamentos estereotipados mais intensos, como medos excessivos e não aceitar a montaria, derrubando amazonas e cavaleiros. Este animal demonstrava medo excessivo de outros animais, barulhos e lonas. Os acupontos utilizados neste estudo (Yin Tang, VB 21, BE 21, BE 22, BE 23, P 1, VC 17, C 7, PC 6, PC 7, VC 4 e VC 6) foram escolhidos por atuar sobre o estresse, medo, desvios comportamentais e ansiedade. Todos os pontos foram estimulados em ambos os flancos. Além das sessões com os pontos de acupressão, também foi incluída a musicoterapia com música clássica a partir da segunda sessão, com o objetivo de auxiliar no relaxamento do animal. Ao início das sessões o animal apresentava constantes quadros de irritabilidade como abaixamento de orelhas e tensão muscular os quais foram diminuindo no decorrer do tratamento. Ademais, foi perceptível o aumento de práticas comportamentais que indicam tranquilidade e diminuição da ansiedade do paciente, como abaixamento de pescoço e fechamento dos olhos durante as sessões. Observou-se que na maior parte do período as frequências cardíaca e respiratória se apresentaram menores após as sessões realizadas. A proprietária do animal observou uma melhora comportamental em situações que antes eram consideradas inquietantes, estando o animal mais tranquilo a cada dia, não ocorrendo mais episódios de derrubar os cavaleiros e amazonas durante a montaria. Por conseguinte, afirma-se que os tratamentos realizados no animal apresentaram eficácia quanto à redução do estado de ansiedade do animal.pt_BR
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