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dc.creatorGhasemkhani, M.-
dc.creatorRahmanpour, V.-
dc.creatorBufalo, R.-
dc.creatorMnatsakanova, M. N.-
dc.creatorSoto, A.-
dc.identifier.citationGHASEMKHANI, M. et al. Induced CP-violation in the Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian. The European Physical Journal C, [S.l.]. v. 83, 2023.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we examine the behaviour of the Euler–Heisenberg effective action in the presence of a novel axial coupling among the gauge field and the fermionic matter. This axial coupling is responsible to induce a CP-violating term in the extended form of the Euler–Heisenberg effective action, which is generated naturally through the analysis of the box diagram. However, this anomalous model is not a viable extension of QED, and we explicitly show that the induced CP-violating term in the Euler–Heisenberg effective Lagrangian is obtained only by adding an axial coupling to the ordinary QED Lagrangian. In order to perform our analysis, we use a parametrization of the vector and axial coupling constants, gv and ga , in terms of a new coupling β . Interestingly, this parametrization allows us to explore a hidden symmetry under the change of gv↔ga in some diagrams. This symmetry is explicitly observed in the analysis of the box diagram, where we determine the λi coefficients of LEHext.=λ1F2+λ2G2+λ3FG , specially the coefficient λ3 related with the CP-violating term due to the axial coupling. As a phenomenological application of the results, we compute the relevant cross section for the light by light scattering through the extended Euler–Heisenberg effective action.pt_BR
dc.sourceThe European Physical Journal Cpt_BR
dc.titleInduced CP-violation in the Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangianpt_BR
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