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dc.creatorTomas, Maria da Graça-
dc.creatorRodrigues, Luiz Jose-
dc.creatorLobo, Francisco de Almeida-
dc.creatorTakeuchi, Katiuchia Pereira-
dc.creatorPaula, Nelio Ranieli Ferreira de-
dc.creatorPinto, Daniella Moreira-
dc.creatorNhantumbo, Nascimento-
dc.creatorPizzatto, Mariana-
dc.creatorOualmakran, Youssef-
dc.creatorMachado, Gilson Gustavo Lucinda-
dc.creatorVilas Boas, Eduardo Valerio de Barros-
dc.identifier.citationTOMAS, M. da G. Physicochemical characteristics and volatile profile of pitaya (Selenicereus setaceus). South African Journal of Botany, [S.l.], v. 154, p. 88-97, Mar. 2023.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractPitaya, originally from Central America, has in recent years become one of the most produced and commercialized tropical fruits across the Brazilian Cerrado small scale commercial family farms. However, despite the economic value, production in Brazil is still incipient. The same is true of the fruit's nutritional value information. In this study, a throughput physical-chemical analysis with emphasis on the antioxidant potential and the identification of volatile compounds, of pitaya fruits at different ripening stages was conducted. Results showed that vitamin C variables, total phenolics, and total antioxidant activity had their values significantly reduced across ripening stages. In total, 12 volatile compounds were detected in the flesh of pitaya, of which, esters appeared to be more expressive, followed by aldehydes and alcohols. The ripe pulp of the fruit can be characterized as having a low caloric value, in addition to significant levels of potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and iron. Thus, pitaya has potential for use in the food industry, in addition to being nutritionally rich, and can effectively contribute to the prevention of chronic diseases and in the human diet.pt_BR
dc.sourceSouth African Journal of Botanypt_BR
dc.subjectNative pitayapt_BR
dc.subjectExotic fruitpt_BR
dc.subjectAntioxidant capacitypt_BR
dc.subjectProximal compositionpt_BR
dc.subjectVolatile compoundspt_BR
dc.titlePhysicochemical characteristics and volatile profile of pitaya (Selenicereus setaceus)pt_BR
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