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Título: O uso da modelagem baseada em agentes no estudo de sistemas complexos e uma aplicação em propagação da leishmaniose visceral
Título(s) alternativo(s): The use of agent-based modeling in the study of complex systems and an application to the spread of visceral leishmaniasis
Autores: Mata, Angélica Sousa da
Araujo, Eric Fernandes de Mello
Barçante, Joziana Muniz de Paiva
Mata, Angélica Sousa da
Piva, Gabriel Gomides
Barçante, Joziana Muniz de Paiva
Búfalo, Rodrigo Santos
Palavras-chave: Modelagem baseada em agentes
Sistemas complexos
Propagação de epidemias
Leishmaniose visceral
Agent-based modeling
Complex systems
Spread of epidemics
Visceral leishmaniasis
Data do documento: 28-Jan-2025
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: SILVA, Clayton Ramos da. O uso da modelagem baseada em agentes no estudo de sistemas complexos e uma aplicação em propagação da leishmaniose visceral. 2025. 54 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Física) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a methodology that allows us an advanced way of doing sci- ence using experiments carried out on computers. This methodology was one of the pioneers for studying complex systems. These systems are formed by a set of elements (individuals) that interact with each other through simple interaction rules, giving rise to collective emergent behaviors that cannot be predicted when investigating only the properties of each individual singly. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present, in a didactic way, what agent-based modeling is and how we can use it in different contexts related to complex systems in general, through computational examples using the Netlogo interface. We will show that not much kno- wledge is needed as a prerequisite to start using agent-based modeling, but at the same time, once you understand some basic computer simulation techniques, there is no limit to what can be implemented. In the end, we present an application through the construction of a model of the dynamics of visceral leishmaniasis, simulating the spread of the disease. This model allows us to explore how different factors, such as the interaction between humans, vectors (sandflies insects) and animal reservoirs, influence the spread of visceral leishmaniasis. Simulation ena- bles the analysis of varied scenarios and the evaluation of the effectiveness of different control interventions, providing insights that can serve to understand more effective and assertive public health strategies.
Aparece nas coleções:Física - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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