Browsing by Author Barigye, Stephen J.

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Apr-20152D-Discrete Fourier Transform: generalization of the MIA-QSAR strategy in molecular modelingBarigye, Stephen J.; Freitas, Matheus P.
15-Apr-2016Aug-MIA-SPR/PLS-DA classification of carbonyl herbicides according to levels of soil sorptionFreitas, Mirlaine R.; Barigye, Stephen J.; Daré, Joyce K.; Freitas, Matheus P.
2018Discrete fourier transform based multivariate image analysis: application to modeling aromatase inhibitory activityBarigye, Stephen J.; Freitas, Matheus P.; Ausina, Priscila; Zancan, Patricia; Sola-Penna, Mauro; Castillo-Garit, Juan A.
2015Exploring MIA-QSAR´s for antimalarial quinolon-4(1H)-iminesDuarte, Mariene H.; Barigye, Stephen J.; Freitas, Matheus P.
Jan-2017Exploring MIA-QSPR's for the modeling of biomagnification factors of aromatic organochlorine pollutantsMota, Estella G. da; Duarte, Mariene H.; Barigye, Stephen J.; Ramalho, Teodorico C.; Freitas, Matheus P.
Jan-2017Exploring MIA-QSPR's for the modeling of biomagnification factors of aromatic organochlorine pollutantsMota, Estella G. da; Duarte, Mariene H.; Barigye, Stephen J.; Ramalho, Teodorico C.; Freitas, Matheus P.
5-Sep-2015Is molecular alignment an indispensable requirement in the MIA-QSAR method?Barigye, Stephen J.; Freitas, Matheus P.
2016MIA-plot: a graphical tool for viewing descriptor contributions in MIA-QSARBarigye, Stephen J.; Duarte, Mariene H.; Nunes, Cleiton A.; Freitas, Matheus P.
Jul-2019Molecular modelling of potential candidates for the treatment of depressionSilva, Daniela Rodrigues; Barigye, Stephen J.; Santos‐Garcia, Letícia; Cunha, Elaine Fontes Ferreira da
2017Multi-objective modeling of herbicidal activity from an environmentally friendly perspectiveDaré, Joyce K.; Barigye, Stephen J.; Freitas, Matheus P.
Mar-2018Multi-objective optimization of benzamide derivatives as RHO kinase inhibitorsGajo, Giovanna Cardoso; Silva, Daniela Rodrigues; Barigye, Stephen J.; Cunha, Elaine Fontes Ferreira da
Jun-2016Quantitative modeling of bioconcentration factors of carbonyl herbicides using multivariate image analysisFreitas, Mirlaine R.; Barigye, Stephen J.; Daré, Joyce K.; Freitas, Matheus P.
2015Structural and physicochemical interpretation of GT-STAF information theory-based indicesBarigye, Stephen J.; Marrero-Ponce, Yovani; Zupan, Jure; Pérez-Giménez, Facundo; Freitas, Matheus P.
2017Towards molecular design using 2D-molecular contour maps obtained from PLS regression coefficientsBorges, Cleber N.; Barigye, Stephen J.; Freitas, Matheus P.