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Title: Mercado local, produção familiar e desenvolvimento: estudo de caso da feira de Turmalina, Vale do Jequitinhonha, MG
Authors: Ribeiro, Áureo Eduardo Magalhães
Siqueira, Euler David de
Souza, João Valdir Alves de
Keywords: Agricultura familiar
Feira livre
Produtos agrícolas - comercialização
Farm produce - marketing
Issue Date: 16-Sep-2015
Citation: ANGULO, J. L. G. Mercado local, produção familiar e desenvolvimento: estudo de caso da feira de Turmalina, Vale do Jequitinhonha, MG. 2002. 138 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2002.
Abstract: The current politics of development have to enlarge their attendance programs in order to give effective ahematives for lacking sectors who hve in particular environments. This is the case ofthe rural fairs that are free markets for the farnily peasants. These rural fairs are the main commercial link ofthese small producers with the urban centers society. Thank to this commercial altemative , they have the possibiüty to get an income for their fàmíly maintenance. In this context, this working analises social and economic happenings in the rural feir that itimpacts in the life ofthe femiliy peasants who inhabit in the district ofTurmalina, high Jequitinhonha/MG. Therefbre, were considered the predicaments ofthe producers and their relationship with other social actors . In this way the reserarching attemps to understand the economic imphcations, that is to say, the utilized labor force and the akematives of incomes for this local market. A fundamental element ofthis investigation was to identify spaces of social and cultural tranfbrmations in the families that participate in the market and also the performance ofthe femily unit members. For thatreason, were considerated thatinthe economic behavior of the peasants are implied their origin andtheir historical experience.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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