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Title: O efeito do estabelecimento de metas especificas no desempenho e comprometimento de indivíduos experientes no lançamento do basquetebol
Other Titles: The effect of specific goal setting on performance and goal adherence in experienced individuals in the basketball shot.
Keywords: Estabelecimento de metas
Desempenho motor
Meta específica
Indivíduos experientes
Goal setting
Motor development
Specific goal
Experienced subjects
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Centro de Investigação em Desporto, Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano
Citation: AMBRÓSIO, N. F. A. et al. O efeito do estabelecimento de metas especificas no desempenho e comprometimento de indivíduos experientes no lançamento do basquetebol. Motricidade, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 85-93, 2015.
Abstract: The present study investigated the effects of goal setting in the performance and adherence to the goal in experienced individuals. The study design was composed of a pretest, practice and a posttest. Thirteen collegiate-athletes (24.3±4.8 years old) was divided into two groups to perform three-meter-shots of basketball: G10% – which 10% of the performance in the pretest was added for the goal setting – and G30%, which 30% was added for the goal setting. After the last trial in the posttest, the participants answered a questionnaire of goal adherence. The expectation was that the higher percentage group would have worse performance and fewer adherences to the goal because the set goal was too difficult to achieve. Although we observed an improvement in the performance of both groups, no differences were found between them in the pre and posttest. However, G10% group showed higher frequency of adherence to the set goal.
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