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Title: A comunicação organizacional e o caráter pluridimensional de cooperativas: estudo de caso no Estado de Minas Gerais
Authors: Oliveira, Luiz Carlos Ferreira de Sousa
Alencar, Edgard
Moura Filho, Jovino Amâncio de
Lima, Juvêncio Braga de
Keywords: Cooperativas
Cooperative societies
Comunicação nas organizações
Communication in organizations
Minas Gerais
Issue Date: 20-Feb-2017
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: ANDRADE, J. C. de. A comunicação organizacional e o caráter pluridimensional de cooperativas: estudo de caso no Estado de Minas Gerais. 1993. 61 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Rural)-Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras, Lavras, 1993.
Abstract: The main purposc ofthis research was to analyse lhe role of organization communication on lhe balance, dcvclopmcnt, and expansion of organizations, basically in lhe context ofcooperatives. The objeclive was to examine the imporlance of the consent about a value syslcm which, in failing, would rcsult in desintegration. The coopcrative, by ils pluridimensional character, that is, by ils simultancous aspects of a business cnlerprisc and an associalion of lhe persons, needs a organization communication system in order to fulfill its integrativc funetions. This research was on lhe forma and informal communication structure of lhe coopcrative. Data r.ollnr.iion was done by the aulhor in a agriciillural coopcrative locatcd in lhe Soulhern arca of lhe Slatc of Minas Gerais. The name of lhe coopcrative was omitlcd for a free discussion and analysis of lhe informalion. Data were gathcrcd through semi-struetured inlcrviews applicd to managers, officcrs, and 20% of lhe coopcrative members. Data analyses were condueted in two seclions: firsl, lhe formal organizalional communication process of the coopcrative as an cnlerprisc; second, lhe informal communication process among members, in order to scc the existencc ofrclalions ofsolidarily among lhem, and thcir parlicipation in the cooperativc rnanafemcnt. The research sought to invesligate the conflict produced by the investigate the conflict produced by the interrelationship betwecn that business aspect and the coopcrative as an association. It was shown that the formal organizational communication process is rclated much more to administrative, burcaucratic, and business aclions. It was not possible to show any solidarity rclation bctwcen lhe cooperatiye and its members, and among themsclves. In conclusion, it is possible to say that organizational communication, in the contexl of that pluricimensional character, strcss lhe dcvclopmcnt of lhe business coopcrative and not the coopcrative as an association of persons.
Description: Esta dissertação/tese está disponível online com base na Resolução CEPE nº 090, de 24 de março de 2015, disponível em, que dispõe sobre a disponibilização da coleção retrospectiva de teses e dissertações online no Repositório Institucional da UFLA, sem autorização prévia dos autores. Parágrafo Único. Caberá ao autor ou orientador a solicitação de restrição quanto à divulgação de teses e dissertações com pedidos de patente ou qualquer embargo similar. Art. 5º A obra depositada no RIUFLA que tenha direitos autorais externos à Universidade Federal de Lavras poderá ser removida mediante solicitação por escrito, exclusivamente do autor, encaminhada à Comissão Técnica da Biblioteca Universitária./ Arquivo gerado por meio da digitalização de material impresso. Alguns caracteres podem ter sido reconhecidos erroneamente.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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