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Title: Identificação molecular de espécies de vírus e reação fenotípica de famílias de melancia a um isolado do vírus da mancha anelar do mamoeiro, estirpe melancia (Pappaya ringspot virus – strain watermelon - PRSV-W)
Keywords: Melancia - Vírus
Resistência genética
Vírus da mancha anelar
Genetic resistance
Ring spot virus
Issue Date: Feb-2011
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Tocantins
Citation: NASCIMENTO, I. R. do et al. Identificação molecular de espécies de vírus e reação fenotípica de famílias de melancia a um isolado do vírus da mancha anelar do mamoeiro, estirpe melancia (Pappaya ringspot virus – strain watermelon - PRSV-W). Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 22-29, Feb. 2011.
Abstract: The curcubit, including watermelon, are affected by various diseases caused by viruses. In Brazil, has predominated species of the Potyvirus. This study aimed was molecular identification of the virus species from four producer regions of watermelon the state of Tocantins and test through artificial inoculation, the reaction of the progenies selected for phenotypic resistance to one of those characterized as isolated from PRSV-W. Of the nine isolates tested, six presented bands for PRSV-W. One of the isolates presented bands for PRSV-W and SqMV which can be a mixed infection. In phenotypic analysis, access PI 595201 showed a high level of resistance. The progenies had different behavior, and was identify within each progenies plants with similar resistance to the resistant parent. Key words: Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum.& Nakai; selection, viruses, genetic resistance
Appears in Collections:DFP - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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