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Title: A estratégia empresarial e a evolução econômica das empresas rurais: um estudo multicasos na pecuária leiteira
Authors: Andrade, José Geraldo de
Sette, Ricardo de Souza
Guimarães, José Mário Patto
Keywords: Administração rural
Empresa rural
Propriedade rural
Planejamento empresarial
Pecuária leiteira
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2017
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: MEDEIROS, R. N. de. A estratégia empresarial e a evolução econômica das empresas rurais: um estudo multicasos na pecuária leiteira. 1992. 188 p. (Mestrado em Administração Rural)-Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras, Lavras, 1992.
Abstract: This research had the objetive of a multiple-case study about interactions of the environment and factors that affected economic evolution of farm milk cattle production during a 20 year periods. Initially a pilot study was conducted with the purpose of having environment description, variables indetification, and selection of the farms. It was utilized a semi structured interview with executives involved with livestock and agricultural sectors of a county. These executives worked also as judges to choose the farms for this study. The semi structured interview and a free observation as well were utilized in this research. Data were recorded and qualitative techniques were used for the analises. The main conclusions were: the environment was restricted and in the 70's it gave better opportunities to the farms than in the 80's and farms growth were related to this environment characteristics; the farms with stionger inicial factors, had better development; farms with higher business volume had better chances of decreasing threats and increasing opportunities; farmers with higher success aimed towards profits, developed strategies towards the market and had more facilities with the operational environment; they were strongly affected by political and economic variables; there was a narrow relationship between farms growth and development strategies.
Description: Esta dissertação/tese está disponível online com base na Resolução CEPE nº 090, de 24 de março de 2015, disponível em, que dispõe sobre a disponibilização da coleção retrospectiva de teses e dissertações online no Repositório Institucional da UFLA, sem autorização prévia dos autores. Parágrafo Único. Caberá ao autor ou orientador a solicitação de restrição quanto à divulgação de teses e dissertações com pedidos de patente ou qualquer embargo similar. Art. 5º A obra depositada no RIUFLA que tenha direitos autorais externos à Universidade Federal de Lavras poderá ser removida mediante solicitação por escrito, exclusivamente do autor, encaminhada à Comissão Técnica da Biblioteca Universitária./ Arquivo gerado por meio da digitalização de material impresso. Alguns caracteres podem ter sido reconhecidos erroneamente.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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