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Title: A utilização da música e da metodologia investigativa para o ensino dos impactos ambientais na vegetação
Other Titles: Use of music and investigative methodology for teaching about environmental impacts on vegetation
Keywords: Educação ambiental
Ensino de ciências e biologia
Música no ensino
Práticas pedagógicas
Environmental education
Teaching of science and biology
Music in education
Educación ambiental
Enseñanza de la ciencia y la biología
Música en la educación
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Associação Amigos da Natureza da Alta Paulista
Citation: SILVA, A. M. da.; NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, A. F. A utilização da música e da metodologia investigativa para o ensino dos impactos ambientais na vegetação. Fórum Ambiental da Alta Paulista, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 6, p. 99-112, 2014.
Abstract: On the intention of preparing non-expository methods, this paper aims at planning, applying and evaluating an alternative pedagogical practice. In this paper, the music and the investigative method were used as strategies to address the influence of the environmental impacts on vegetation. The practice was proposed on the discipline of Methodology of Teaching of Botany (GBI-121) offered to students of Biological Sciences (BSc) at the Federal University of Lavras - (UFLA). The proposal was to work about some environmental impacts and the influence they have on vegetation. To start the discussion, the music Sobradinho, of Sá and Guarabyra, was used. From the music, there was a discussion about the social and environmental impacts of hydroelectric plants, present in the lyrics of the song. It was also discussed other environmental impacts, such as eucalyptus plantations, fire, waste disposal and constructions, which are present in our society, especially in Lavras - MG. At the end of practice, the students who participated in the activity built a parody of the music used, highlighting the environmental impacts addressed in the classroom. Finally, the participants evaluated the practice. Through the analysis of the evaluations, it was possible to realize the importance and the necessity of using non-expository methods with the objective to approximate student and knowledge and spur him on to participate in the activities proposed by the teacher.
Appears in Collections:DBI - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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