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Title: Influência de auxina e citocinina no desenvolvimento de embriões somáticos de Coffea arábica L.
Other Titles: Effects of auxins and cytokinins on the development of Coffea arabica L. somatic embryos
Keywords: Cultura de tecido
Embriogênese somática
Regulador de crescimento
Tissue culture
Somatic embryogenesis
Growth regulator
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Associação Brasileira de Cultura de Tecidos de Plantas
Citation: REZENDE, J. C. de et al. Influência de auxina e citocinina no desenvolvimento de embriões somáticos de Coffea arábica L. Plant Cell Culture & Micropropagation, Lavras, v.7, n.1, p. 1-8, 2011.
Abstract: In tissue culture, the use of growth regulation in culture media is very important. This work was carried out at the Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Fundação Procafé in Varginha, MG, with the objective of evaluating the effect of IBA and BAP in the final developmental phase of Coffea arabica L. somatic embryos. The treatments consisted of growth media variations (PRM): PRM medium (treatment 1), PRM media without BAP (treatment 2), PRM media supplemented with 1,47 μM IBA (treatment 3) and PRM media without the BAP supplemented with 1,47 μM IBA (treatment 4). For statistical analyses both BAP and IBA effects were isolated, and the treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme (presence and absence of both BAP and IBA). The flasks were maintained in growth room with radiance level around 32 μ mol m-2 s-1, temperature of 25 ± 2° C and day-light period of 16 hours. The evaluation was carried out three months after installation by evaluating shoot length, normal plantlets percentage and rooted plantlets percentage. On the ground of the parameters evaluated, there is no need for IBA or BAP addition for Coffea arabica L. somatic embryos development.
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